Category: Non-fiction

Taking Submissions: Fantasy Magazine October 2022 Window (Early Listing)

Submission Window: October 1st – 7th, 2022
Payment: 8 cents per word for fiction. $40 per poem. $75 per essay.
Theme: Original fantasy and dark fantasy stories. All types of fantasy and dark fantasy are welcome.
Note: This is an early listing to give you some time to plan ahead for next month or to remember to finish revising your story for the upcoming month!
Note: We are trusting that the submission windows listed in the ongoing call are valid for this publisher. If they are not, please let us know and we’ll look into revising accordingly.

Instructions for submitting to Fantasy Magazine follow. Please read everything on this page and read the magazine before submitting.


Submission Periods: Fantasy is open to submissions the first week of every month (1st-7th). Please do not query about submitting outside our open submission periods.

Anonymous Submissions: Fantasy only accepts anonymous submissions. Do not include your name, address, phone number, or other similar identifiers on the manuscript. All original short fiction, flash fiction, and poetry submissions will be read anonymously on first read: moving out of slush depends on the merits of the story alone. Please make sure the title is on the manuscript.

Ongoing Submissions: Illumen Magazine

Payment: 2 cents per word for original poems with a minimum payment of $3.00. Reprints receive 1 cent per word . Scifaiku and related forms will receive $1. If you are chosen as a Featured Poet, you will be paid a flat $15.00. Artwork: $5 for original illustrations, $3 for reprints, $12.00 for cover art. Articles: $12 for original articles, $5 for reprints. reviews is $7
Theme: Speculative poetry, art and non-fiction also related to speculative poetry.

Illumen publishes original poems sci-fi and fantasy genres, with some horror. We also include various art, articles, reviews, and interviews. Describe other worlds in poetic prose, challenge heroes and villains with eloquent words, show the nightmare of real life in all its disgusting mud and muck. We want your electric dreams, your fevered nightmares, your tales of magic, the wonder of a new robotic mind, and more.


Ongoing Submissions: Talk Vomit

Payment: $25 for personal essays and $5 per poem
Theme: Honest experiences, very open-ended, read below

You know that feeling when you have a lot to say about something and you just don’t know how to get it out but you know your words belong somewhere?

We want to be a home to those projects.

Whether you offer a short story you wrote about an anthropomorphized coffee maker falling in love in outer space, or that piece of prose poetry you’ve been working on about how your Amazon Prime orders increase significantly when you’re feeling depressed, or the zine you’re making about how the world seems like it’s on fire, we want to hear from you and help you share your story. Consider this a space to talk about your growth, your mental health, or a place for that bizarre piece of short fiction you think deserves to find a home.

We are currently seeking non-fiction, fiction and poetry.

In a time where the internet can be filled with listicles and a whole lot of repetitive nonsense, Talk Vomit aims, above all else, to be an honest space where writers of all identities, styles and experience levels are able to share and amplify their voices in what often feels like a world of endless gatekeeping.

Currently, we are able to pay writers $25 for personal essays (we hope to add short stories to this as soon as possible), and $5 for poems, playlists and art.


Ongoing Submissions: The Common Tongue Magazine

Payment: Fiction: 3 cents per word, Flash Fiction: $20 per entry, Poetry: $20, Artwork: $200-$400
Theme: Dark High Fantasy

The Common Tongue Magazine is a dark fantasy magazine aiming to bring cultural and integral voices to fantasy and diversify the genre. We value writers and creators who share our ambitions of supporting the writing community and giving voice to writers who help us better understand the world, society, and our environment. Issues are published bimonthly and available on our website and multiple vendors for purchase in ebook format, and via electronic subscription. We have printed issues through Amazon KDP. We also publish all original fiction in our annual best-of anthology series from Sourcery Publishing in both print and ebook formats.


Taking Submissions: A Vindication of Monsters

Payment: $50
Theme: Essays on Mary Shelley’s work

‘A Vindication of Monsters.’
Payment: $50
Theme: Essays on Mary Shelley’s work
I’m inviting authors to contribute 5,000 (max) word essays on Mary Shelley’s work (not limited to Frankenstein), and her life. This can also include others in her life, for example her mother Mary Wollstonecraft, or her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley, and how they influenced her work. I am also looking for internal artwork related to the theme (I’m hoping for 5 pieces to accompany the chapters).
Payment will be $50 per essay and per artwork, respectively. This will be a book similar to ‘The Body Horror Book’, in that I will compile and edit each chapter.
Submissions are open, and close when full. Publication will (hopefully) be at the end of 2021. Contributors will receive an ebook and paperback copy. William Shunn manuscript format preferred.
Please send any inquiries and submissions to [email protected]
Good luck!

Ongoing Submissions: Oh Reader

Payment: $200 for a story or article and $75 for poetry
Themes: Stories about your experiences as a reader, insight into the effect of reading on humans, humorous takes on the world of words, and anything else you as a reader or writer might be interested in sharing. In other words: we’re open to any ideas you may have (as long as they relate to reading).
Note: Probably not the best market for darker works.

Want to contribute to Oh Reader? Fill out the submission form below! We’re looking for stories about your experiences as a reader, insight into the effect of reading on humans, humorous takes on the world of words, and anything else you as a reader or writer might be interested in sharing. In other words: we’re open to any ideas you may have (as long as they relate to reading).

You can pitch any of the below, but make sure that your work has reading as its focus.

  • Non-fiction

  • Fiction

  • Humor

  • Poetry

We will accept non-fiction and humor based solely on a pitch; if you are submitting for fiction or poetry, please send the entire piece to [email protected].

Don’t be afraid to get inventive. We’re excited to see what you have up your sleeve! Please note that we don’t publish book reviews or author interviews at this stage.

Due to the volume of submissions we receive, it might take us a little while to get back to you. We endeavor to respond to all pitches within six to eight weeks.

Authors of all accepted stories will be paid a flat rate of $200 for their published article, $75 for poetry.

Via: Oh Reader.

Taking Submissions: A Vindication Of Monsters

Deadline: October 1st, 2020
Payment: $50
Theme: Essays on Mary Shelley’s work

I’m inviting 9 authors to contribute 5,000 (max) word essays on Mary Shelley’s work (not limited to Frankenstein), and her life. This can also include others in her life, for example her mother Mary Wollstonecraft, or her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley, and how they influenced her work. I am also looking for internal artwork related to the theme (I’m hoping for 5 pieces to accompany the chapters).
Payment will be $50 per essay and per artwork, respectively. This will be a book similar to ‘The Body Horror Book’, in that I will compile and edit each chapter.
Submissions are open, and close October 1st; the book will be published in December. Contributors will receive an ebook and paperback copy. William Shunn manuscript format preferred. Please send any inquiries and submissions to [email protected]
Good luck!

Ongoing Submissions: Utopia Science Fiction

Payment: $1 cent per word for fiction, $20 per non-fiction article, Poetry $5 or $10 depending on length, $35 per piece of artwork

We welcome solicited and unsolicited submissions for fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and art. Please read our submission guidelines carefully 
before submitting. Incorrectly submitted material may not be read.​

We are especially in need of science and non-fiction articles for our Science Corner. Articles can be on any subject in any style, but must be accessible to a non-academic audience.
