Unveiling Nightmares Is Open To Novelettes, Novellas, Novels, and Short Story Collections

Theme: Novelettes, Novellas, Novels, and Short Story Collections in the following genres: horror (all sub-genres including extreme/splatterpunk), romance, science fiction, erotica, poetry, and young adult fiction
Payment: 80% of royalties and a contributors copy

Welcome to Unveiling Nightmares.

At Unveiling Nightmares, we understand the craving for adventure, excitement, and thrills that our readers seek. Yearning to escape the mundane and delve into worlds teeming with mystery and intrigue.

Whether you have a novelette, novella, a gripping novel, or a collection of short stories, we’re eager to take a look.

We welcome works across a variety of genres, including horror (all sub-genres including extreme/splatterpunk), romance, science fiction, erotica, poetry, and young adult fiction. Whether your story sparks love, nightmares, adventure, passion, or discovery, we’re excited to explore its depths.

Submitting your work:

Simply email us at [email protected] with your complete manuscript, edited to the best of your ability, attached as a Word document. Along with your manuscript, please include a short bio and links to your social media, newsletter, or website.

In your submission, provide a brief synopsis of your work and comparable titles that capture its essence.

We kindly ask that you submit only one manuscript at a time.

We aim to review all submissions within one month, and we do accept simultaneous submissions. If your work finds a home elsewhere, please let us know promptly.

What We Offer

Payment: 80% of your royalties come to you.

We cover the cost of editing and a book wrap. (Although if you have done this before we sign a contract with you, those costs will fall to you.) We have great editors and designers that we currently use.

We’ll send you a copy of your finished book.

By submitting your work to Unveiling Nightmares, you confirm that it’s your original creation and doesn’t infringe upon the rights of others.

Thank you for considering Unveiling Nightmares as a potential home. Let’s bring those stories to life!

Via: Unveiling Nightmares.

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