The Unholy Trinity: The Old Man

Our church worships at the altar of the Unholy Trinity. Its gospels are delivered as a trio of dark drabbles, linked so that Three become One. All hail the power of the Three.

These three stories share a common character- an old man. He’s a typical old man that we’ve all known in our lives, except that he has a dark side.

Perfect Pair

The old man settled into his recliner, putting his slippered feet up.  He was bone tired and wanted to relax. He took a sip of wine, allowing his mind to drift back to that summer night filled with stars and a soft, warm breeze. The only sounds heard came from waves lapping against the shore and the whispering of the lovers, entwined in each other’s arms.

“We’re soul mates,” were the last words spoken before the swift sword released their heads from their bodies.

He chuckled to himself as he admired his new slippers. Indeed, they truly were sole mates.

The Recipe

The old man slowly stirred the pot simmering on the kitchen stove. It was potluck night at his lodge and he was making his special stew.

As a young man, his mother had been the first person to help him with the making of the stew. He figured, because of her age, the meat had been tough and stringy. His technique had improved with time and experience.

It was a favorite with his lodge brothers and always a highlight at potlucks. When queried about the ingredients, he would proudly reply that it was a secret recipe started by his mother.

The Decision

The old man had been to see his doctor. The news wasn’t good.

After some reflection, he decided to get his affairs in order.

He went to confession. The priest felt increasingly queasy as he listened to the gruesome details of the multiple slayings and subsequent cannibalism.

“By the way, Father, you know my special stew I brought for potlucks? You ate them too.”

The old man went home, collected the remaining frozen body parts and headed for the ocean.

He shouted, “Come and get it!” to the sharks as he flung the body parts and himself into the water.

Scarlet Berry

Scarlet Berry is a Yooper. She’s been married forty years to the same man and they raised four children together. She is a mystery wrapped up in a conundrum, and loves to laugh; both evilly and happily.

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