Taking Submissions: Unnerving Novelettes, Novellas, Novels, and Collections

Payment: 50% of net profits for eBooks and paperbacks and unlimited discounted paperback copies available
Note: Make sure you read full submission guidelines on the link at the bottom before sending anything in!

Open now to Novelettes (10,000-17,000 words), novella (17,001-45,000 words), novels (45,001-250,000 words, open to series so long as first book is completed), and collections of short stories (15,000-45,000 words).

Please submit only: Commercial horror, suspense, thriller, and crime, at this time. For I’m nothing too abstract or bizarre, weird is fine as long as there is suspense and a story arc.

Monsters, bad people, ghosts, witches, ominous everyday items, slashers, original zombie situations, haunted houses, kidnappings, heists, murders, plots to murder, etc.

No cop dramas. No war stories). No adventure horror.

Collections must be at least 50% externally published anthology/magazine/chapbook reprints.

Reprints welcome for novellas and novels, through preferably those a few years removed from print (or those that didn’t see print for very long). Previously self-published books are an extremely difficult sell.

Short releases will be digital only, with a window for further submissions past closure for omnibus paperback possibilities or joint releases of similar stories (minimum for physical publication is 21,000 words).

Pay rate is 50% of net profits for eBooks and paperbacks and unlimited discounted paperback copies available (rate determined with each title, and potentially fluctuate based on printer prices). No advances.

Writers must agree to assist in marketing efforts (blog appearances, interviews, etc.). Don’t submit if you don’t want to help.

Edits range from minimal to heavy, don’t submit if you are unwilling to consider changes.

Submit no more than twice to this category per open period (periods might last as long as three months).

Cover letter, explain story in no more than three sentences. Give two sentence bio. List top three credits, blog address, Facebook or Twitter address (I will look before I offer contract).

If you’re not on social media, there’s no way you can get the word out sufficiently after releases, and your work will not be considered (unless you own a bookstore).

Also, I am not interested in stories from authors who cannot tell hate speech from free speech. If you’re harmful in story or in real life to people based on religion, sexuality, sex, race, or place of birth, don’t bother submitting. I look into people prior to working with them.

Response time will vary, but I will respond within six months, usually within one month.

If you need to withdraw or change file, do so on Submittable (to change, withdraw and re-submit, but no more than once because it eats submission window space – 300/month).


Simultaneous submissions are fine, notify me if another editor beats me to acceptance when you withdraw the submission.

Send any questions or queries about reprint interest to me, Eddie Generous, at [email protected]

Will close once enough stories are found.


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