Tagged: magazine

Taking Submissions: Electric Spec Spring Issue 2022

Deadline: April 15th, 2022
Payment: $20 per story
Theme: Electric Spec prefers science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre, but we’re willing to push the limits of traditional forms of these genres.

submissions at electricspec (dot) com
Please don’t query us about your story submission. We don’t have the manpower to answer such queries. An editor will email you back as soon as possible with the decision about your story. This can take a few days, or, up to three months. We make every effort to get back to authors in a timely manner but we get a lot of submissions so sometimes it’s not possible.

A note on our editorial policy: before publication we may work with the author to edit the story for length or readability. However, we always remain true to the spirit of the story and the author has final approval.

Issues are published at the end of February, May, August, and November. We reserve the right to shift publication date slightly, as necessary.

We have reading periods for each issue, though we never close to submissions.


Ongoing Submissions: Radon Journal

Payment: 1 cent per word for original work, half a cent per word for reprints.
Theme: Elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction.
Note: Reprints accepted though at an extremely low rate.

Radon welcomes short story and poetry submissions containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction.

We publish every January, May, and September.

Submissions are accepted year-round.

Simultaneous submissions are welcome.

Reprints accepted assuming artist has the rights.


Ongoing Submissions: Proton Reader

Payment: $0.08/word for the first 2,000 words, and $0.02/word after that.
Theme: Speculative fiction with a bent toward science over fantasy, details below!


We are open for submissions of original speculative science fiction.

If you’re already familiar with our submission guidelines, head to our Moksha submission portal.

Fiction Submission Guidelines

We accept stories ranging from 250 to 15,000 words. We will accept stories longer than this, but they will be harder to sell.

For us, speculative fiction involves speculating in some form or another (directly, indirectly, metaphorically, etc) about the human condition in the immediate or distant future. This can be done in many genres under the umbrella of speculative fiction, including, but certainly not limited to, science fiction, fantasy, and *punk.

Taking Submissions: 34 Orchard Spring 2022 Issue

Deadline: January 31st, 2022
Payment: $50
Theme: Stories that are “scary, disturbing, unsettling, and sad”

What We Publish

At 34 Orchard, we like dark, intense pieces that speak to a deeper truth. We’re not genre-specific; we just like scary, disturbing, unsettling, and sad. We like things we can’t put down and things that make us go “wow” when we’ve finished. But our main goal here at 34 Orchard is to publish the stuff we like to read, and you’re not in our heads. So don’t over think it. Just submit.

We are an international journal and welcome submissions from everyone, all over the world. As of our Fall 2021 issue, we have published work from Africa, Australia, Canada, Croatia, Greece, Italy, and the United Kingdom.

Taking Submissions: Cosmic Roots And Eldritch Shores January 2022- EARLY

Submission Window: January 1st-3rd, 2022
Payment: 8 cents per word for original, 2 cents for reprints
Theme: Well written original work in science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, and eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and/or graphic story form, and from around the world.
Note: Reprints welcome



Submissions Schedule

We have a new submissions schedule as of June 1, 2020:
The first and second day of every month, 12 am of the 1st to 12 am of the 3rd, E.S.T.
Only one submission per person.

For reading impaired individuals, our submissions manager and ‘forget password’ have a captcha compatible with screen readers.

We pay 6¢ per word for new fiction, 2¢ per word for fiction reprints, 2 – 6¢ per word for new fact-based work, 1- 4¢ per word for reprinted fact articles.
For new poetry, we pay $1 a line, reprints would be 50¢ a line, up to 40 lines. We’ll look at longer poems but that would be a hard sell, and words over 40 lines would be paid at 6¢ per word.

We began The Kepler Award to recognize and encourage writers of excellent science fiction and fantasy stories that creatively extrapolate on known science in constructive and exciting ways. You can learn about The Kepler Award here.

You can read a copy of our standard contract here.   It can be varied as needed to include the rights of translators, voice actors, etc.


Taking Submissions: Contrary Spring 2022 Issue

Deadline: March 1st, 2022
Payment: $20
Theme: We ask our fiction writers to imagine their readers navigating a story with one finger poised over a mouse button. Can your story stay that finger to the end?

“Turning words into art is unnatural. It begins with a contrary attitude. It says, I am unhappy with the way things are and desire to make things different. Rather than represent the world, I will make something wildly and savagely new. I will defy logic. I will invest in new perceptions. I will combine and recombine and fabricate and juggle until something that I have never experienced is experienced. The process is alchemical. The process is violent. It goes to the heart of creativity. It disrupts and shatters. It is splendid with provocation. It is an aggression against banality. It is sharp and loud like a janitor scraping frost from a window. The hectic bounce of steam on a street after a truck roars by. The anarchy of waters, the comedy of the face, dangerous feelings vented from a cage of skin.” ~ John Olson

Poetry — We believe poetry is contrary by nature, always defying, always tonguing the tang of novelty. We look especially for plurality of meaning, for dual reverberation of beauty and concern. Contrary’s poetry in particular often mimics the effects of fiction or commentary. We find ourselves enamored of prose poems because they are naturally contrary toward form – they tug on the forces of exposition or narrative – but prose poems remain the minority of all the poetic forms we publish. Please consider that Contrary receives vast amounts of poetry and that we can publish only a small percentage of that work. Please submit no more than three poems per issue. Our poetry editor is Shaindel Beers.

Taking Submissions: Taking Submissions: Allegory Volume 41

Deadline: December 31st, 2021
Payment: $15
Theme: Speculative fiction, primarily horror, science fiction, and fantasy.
Note: Reprints welcome

Formatting Guidelines

This is proving to be a recurring problem, so we’re putting it up front. Please, for all our sakes, read this next part carefully.

All submissions should be sent by e-mail (no letters or telephone calls please) to [email protected]. Below are some formatting rules to help us process your submission more quickly.


Email is accepted in both text and HTML formats. When submitting, please put this in the subject line:

Submission: (Title) – (First and Last name)

Include the following in the body of the email and in the attached submission:

Your name
Name to use on the story (byline), if different
Your preferred email address
Your mailing address
The story’s title
The story’s word count


Ongoing Submissions: Samovar

Payment: 8 US cents per word to the author, and 8 US cents per word to the translator for original fiction, $100 to each for reprints, and $40 each for poetry.
Theme: speculative fiction stories that are being translated to English

Samovar is a triannual magazine of and about speculative fiction in translation, published by Strange Horizons.

This page explains what types of material Samovar publishes, and how to submit. All submissions are considered by the Samovar editors:

  • Sarah Dodd
  • Greg West
  • Laura Friis

Samovar encourages and welcomes submissions from all languages, and by individuals from groups or backgrounds that have historically been marginalized and/or under-represented within speculative fiction. Please don’t self-reject; we want to consider your work!