Ongoing Submissions: Big Smoke Pulp
Payment: 1₵ CAD per word.
Theme: Fun Pulp Stories from 99 to 7500 words
What We’re Looking For
Pulp stories are one thing above all else: Fun.We are not looking for flowery prose or character pieces without a plot.We’re looking for breakneck pacing, thrilling action and relatable characters in heaps of trouble. We’re looking for something that readers can’t put down because they can’t imagine not knowing where it ends.
We’re looking for PULP.There is no limitation on genre or content. Bring us your young adult romance, hard-nosed noir or epic sci-fi.As long as it follows the guidelines laid out here, we’ll want your stories.
Story Length
We’re looking for stories in three formats:
Microfiction – 99-750 words
Flash Fiction – 751-2000 words
Short Stories – 2001-7500 wordsAnything above the short stories threshold will not be considered.
We are not looking for novelettes or novellas.These thresholds are in place as we have a limited amount of slots for each story type per issue.The shorter your story, the better your odds of placement.
Series or Serialization
We are looking for full stories with a complete beginning, middle and end.No exceptions.A cool cliffhanger has its place, but if it leaves a story incomplete, it won’t be accepted here.
A recurring character within multiple complete stories in a series format is acceptable, but we will only review one submission per author at a time.Do not send all of your stories for that character at once. This will be rejected outright. One at a time only.
Reprints, Multiple or Simultaneous Submissions
Reprints are not permitted.Only original and previously unpublished stories, in any format, will be accepted.Simultaneous Submissions with other publications
are permitted.We know there’s no stopping you anyway. We just ask you let us know as soon as possible if your story has been accepted elsewhere.
Multiple submissions per author to Big Smoke Pulp are not permitted.Please wait for a response for your submitted story before submitting another.Whether your story is accepted or rejected, you can send a new story once a response from the edtior is received.
Please exclude any formatting.On the submission form, you’ll find a field to paste your story. This will strip any formatting you have applied.Leaving any formatting in place risks making your story more difficult to read.
We recommend pasting your story into a .txt file to see the result of an unformatted file.Do not include more than your story.If selected, we’ll reach out for your bio, photo and any other details you may wish to share.
We are offering 1₵ CAD per word.Payment to be made via Paypal upon receipt of a signed contract from the author.
A digital epub & pdf copy will be provided upon publication.Details about discount print copies for resale will be provided post-crowdfunding campaign.
We claim first world electronic rights and first print rights for one year from publication.All rights are restricted to English language unless specifically stated otherwise.
Use of AI
We will not consider any submissions written, developed, or assisted by these tools.Attempting to submit these works will result in being banned from submitting works in the future.
Are You Ready?
Now that you’ve surely read the guidelines…
(of course you did, right?)Click the button below to proceed to the submission form.
Via: Big Smoke Pulp.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!