
Taking Submissions: Mother of Invention

Deadline: August 31st, 2017 Payment: US$0.06 per word. Mother of Invention will feature diverse, challenging stories about gender as it relates to the creation of artificial intelligence and robotics. This ambitious anthology from award-winning Australian publishing house Twelfth Planet Press will be edited by Tansy Rayner Roberts and Rivqa Rafael. From Pygmalion and Galatea to Frankenstein, Ex Machina and Person of Interest, the fictional landscape so often frames cisgender men as the creators of artificial life, leading to the same kinds of stories being told over and over. We want to bring some genuine revolution to the way that artificial intelligence stories are told, and how they intersect with gender identity, parenthood, sexuality, war, and the future of our species. How can we interrogate the gendered assumptions around the making of robots compared with the making of babies? Can computers learn to speak in a code beyond the (gender) binary? If necessity is the mother of invention, what exciting AI might come to exist in the hands of a more diverse range of innovators? What we want We want to cover a variety of AI tropes, from the virtuous to the dangerous, from the purely computerised to the freshly built physical body. We want robots and programs and disembodied voices and steampunk and nanotech. We want stories that unpick the erroneous gendered assumptions around biological reproduction that so often underpin AI stories (do people who can gestate still want to make robots? We think so!). We’ll even accept sexbots and Stepford spouses if the story is good enough. It became pretty clear during our crowdfunding campaign that the notion of “feminist robot stories” struck a chord with our readership, so keep that in mind. We anticipate that some stories will tackle gender issues (broadly defined) directly; others indirectly. Both approaches are OK! The only hard-and-fast rule...

Taking Submissions: Schoolbooks & Sorcery

Deadline: August 31st, 2017 Payment: 6 cents a word, plus electronic and print contributor copies Take high school. It’s weird, confusing, complicated, and frustrating. It’s a time of growth and change, when teens start discovering what they’re made of and who they want to be. Now throw in magic. What happens? That’s the premise of this new YA anthology. Schoolbooks & Sorcery is what happens when you take all the normal ups and downs of high school, inject a healthy dose of magic, shake, stir, and serve. Editor Michael M. Jones (Scheherazade’s Façade) is looking for YA urban fantasy stories which incorporate the themes of sorcery, magic, and enchantment. The magic can come from within, as an intrinsic ability or a family trait, or from without, in the form of talismans, training, or teaching. Protagonists can be wizards, witches, sorcerers, magicians, shamans, apprentices, or practitioners of more esoteric traditions. Whether they pick it up on their own (accidentally or on purpose), learn from a master, or go to school for institutionalized training, they’ll be involved with magic to some degree. Or, of course, the protagonist could be without magic, and stumble into a world beyond their immediate knowledge. If authors wish to set something in a magical school of their own devising, or in a previously-established setting, that’s perfectly fine. But it doesn’t necessarily need to be set at a school, magical or otherwise, so long as the main characters are of the right age set. Just about every culture has some sort of tradition involving people who dabble in the supernatural to one end or another, and there’s a vast amount of potential left to be tapped in this genre, especially with teenage protagonists. Whether they’re wizards-in-training, voodoo princesses, the last descendant of an infamous historical figure, the newest apprentice in...

Taking Submissions: Spider Magazine: Spaceships and Superheroes

Deadline: August 31st, 2017 Payment: Up to 25¢ per word SPIDER, a literary magazine for children, features fresh and engaging literature, poems, articles, and activities for newly independent readers. Editors seek energetic, beautifully crafted submissions with strong “kid appeal” (an elusive yet recognizable quality, often tied to high-interest elements such as humor, adventure, and suspense). We have particular interests in stories that explore themes of identity (gender, race and ethnicity, neighborhoods, beliefs and traditions); citizenship and global cultures; scientific and technological exploration; and the creative spirit. SPIDER (for ages 6-9) is looking for fiction, poetry, activities, crafts, and recipes for the theme Spaceships and Superheroes. We’re interested in science-fiction and superhero stories about protagonists that save the day with help from super suits, super powers, or self-made gadgets. We’re especially interested in future technology like flying cars, interplanetary travel, holograms, robots, and teleporters. Take us on a time traveling mission or to the heart of a city that could use some saving. Especially welcome: twists on familiar comic book or sci-fi tropes, and female, people of color, and kid protagonists. Guidelines Before submitting, be sure to familiarize yourself with our magazines. (Sample copies are available for viewing at the Cricket Media Store, or you can order a current issue by calling 800-821-0115.)  Issues are also available at many local libraries.   Fiction Whether a fictional setting is long-ago or here-and-now, or the protagonist is the class clown or a talking tiger, characters and the worlds they inhabit should be complex and believable. Length: 300–1000 words   Poetry Poems should be succinct, imaginative, and accessible; we tend to avoid long narrative poems. Length: Up to 20 lines   Nonfiction For nonfiction, SPIDER readers enjoy well-researched articles about animals, kids their own age doing amazing things, and cool scientific discoveries (such as wetsuits for penguins and real-life invisibility...

Taking Submissions: Unfading Daydream

Deadline: August 31st, 2017 Payment: $5 or $10 depending on length and a contributor's copy. Unfading Daydream is looking for unique and exceptional fiction to be showcased in our quarterly literary magazine. We strive to feature stories within the genres that have inspired us (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, etc) as well as stories that feature LGBTQ+ themes. We are brand new and looking for submissions for our debut issue. We are also currently seeking submissions for cover art. Basic Details We are open to established and new, emerging authors. In terms of length, we’re looking for stories between 1000 and 7000 words. Shorter or longer stories will be evaluated on a case by case basis. No previously published works. Reading periods are May, August, November, and February.  All submissions must be in by 11:59pm CST on the last day of the reading period (May, August, November, or February) Expect a decision within four weeks See full guidelines below Payment Stories that are between 1000-3000 words will receive $5. Stories that are longer than that will receive $10.  All contributors receive a hard copy of the magazine. Submissions We accept submissions only by email. Free to submit! Please send your submission to submit  unfadingdaydream com with the title of ‘Unfading Daydream Submission’. Full Guidelines We want to see your unique sci-fi, fantasy, horror, etc. We prefer stories that are between 1000-7000 words, but if you feel that your 8000 word story or your 700 word story is brilliant, we’d love to see it. The Submission Piece One submission per author per reading period please. Contributors are allowed to include up to three stories in one submission. Please attach the stories individually to the submission email. Unless there is a theme stated for a particular reading period, there is no theme. Previously unpublished works only. No erotica please. Romance is fine and dandy though! We...

Taking Submissions: The Beauty of Death 2 – Death By Water

Deadline: September 1st, 2017 Payment: $100usd Independent Legions Publishing is seeking original horror stories in English for the new anthology THE BEAUTY OF DEATH 2 - DEATH BY WATER, edited by Alessandro Manzetti and Jodi Renée Lester, to be published October 2017 in print and digital editions. We’re looking for stories that fit the theme: Death by Water. All types of horror are welcome. Sex or violence in a story should be artistically justified; no excessive gore. No stories about child abuse of any kind. We welcome all subgenres and forms of speculative fiction. Word Count: We are open to stories of 4000-5000 words. Deadline: September 1, 2017 Pay Rate: We pay (via PayPal) $100 for each original story. We buy first exclusive English-language rights for three years. We do not accept multiple or simultaneous submissions, nor do we accept unsolicited reprints. Submissions should follow standard manuscript format (12 pt Times New Roman or Courier fonts, 1” margins all around, line spacing 1½ or 2 spaces). It must be in .doc or .docx format or it will not be considered. Your name and contact information must be at the top of the first page of the story. Page numbers with author’s last name and/or partial story name on subsequent pages would be appreciated. Cover letter is optional, but if you do include one, please add a short bio (up to 200 words). Response time is currently within four weeks. After that, if you haven’t heard from us, please query. We will not be sending confirmations of receipt. ​ To submit a story, go to our story submission form below. To submit your story via email, put “SUBMISSION - TBOD2” in the subject line and send to: [email protected] SUBMIT Via: Independent Legions.

Taking Submissions: Retro Future Issue #4

Deadline: September 1st, 2017 Payment: Unlisted but “will always meet or exceed SFWA minimum compensation guidelines” Retro Future is a quarterly pulp magazine that searches for diverse, surprising, and progressive science fiction in art, prose, essay, and comics. Issue Submission Themes Issue #4: Resistance to oppression. Submissions Guidelines We welcome submissions of art and writing that approaches retrofuturism through a progressive lens. Essays and flash fiction of approximately 250-500 words is especially welcome; longer works may be serialized. Comic submissions should be 1-8 pages of finished work. Anything longer may get serialized across multiple issues. Please note that inside art should be in grayscale (please refer to art and comic templates for details.) Galileo Books acquires first serial rights; upon publication, these rights revert back to you, the author. We ask that you acknowledge Retro Future (Galileo Books) as the venue of original publication when the work appears in your book or is otherwise collected. If a work becomes unavailable while under our review, please contact us via email. Submitted work for specific issues may be considered for other issues if themes fit. Please include your name and contact information (at least an email) at the top of your submission. Art and comic templates are located here. Please make sure that art finals are high resolution (at least 300 DPI), in the RGB or Grayscale color space, and native Photoshop or TIFF files. No JPG or GIF. (Dropbox will ask you to join, you can ignore that and click the 'continue to download' link) Written material should be attached to the email in TXT, RTF or Word formats. Retro Future is a progressive publication. Subjects such as sexual violence, un-examined racism, and other potentially offensive material are often used as fodder for exposition in genre stories–this is not appropriate for...

Taking Submissions: Whispers of the Apoc

Deadline: September 1st, 2017 Payment: Between $25 and $100 Tannhauser Press is looking for the short stories for the WHISPERS of the APOC anthology. Here is a set of common items all the submissions must include: The stories will be set after the Zombie Apocalypse has occurred. It could be the day it hit or a year later. The stories are from various locations around the country. No one knows why or how it happened. None of the stories will solve that mystery. Anyone that dies for any reason will become a zombie. The dead will turn Two to Ten minutes after they die, even if they were not bit. Zombies can only be killed with the destruction of the brain. The zombies dry out and mummify the older they get. Zombies hear and see and smell to find prey. It’s all they do. They will eat any mammal they can catch. Cats, dogs, rats, cows, horses, deer. Zombies get slower the older they get. Fresh ones can run and fight hard. Old zombies are shamblers. Zombie bites will not kill you outright. You die in 24 to 48 hours. Symptoms include sweating, extreme thirst, eventually fear of water (like rabies: Hydrophobia). These stories should be character driven and about survival. Stories will take place in a variety of places: Urban, suburban and rural. Even desolate places. The focus is on survival. Stories should be 5,000 to 20,000 words. Authors will be paid between $25 and $100 per story if accepted, with signed agreement. All submissions are to be delivered in MSWord format. Basic Italics and Bold are the only additional formatting used. Garamond 12 will be used. Scene changes will be separated by “ *** ”. WHISPERS of the APOC will be Rated R. The target soft deadline for...

Taking Submissions: 5th Tales of Fortannis anthology

Deadline: September 1st, 2017 Payment: Royalties I’m looking for stories for the 5th TALES OF FORTANNIS anthology.  About the collection: The TALES OF FORTANNIS series is published by Double Dragon and is available in paperback, ebook, kindle, ibook, and nook. Double Dragon is perhaps the largest science fiction and fantasy e-book publisher out there, and has been around for about fifteen years. They have a good reputation, pay royalties on time, and make sure the book is available everywhere (Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, all e-book distributors). Previously unpublished authors are encouraged to submit, but should be aware that we ask for at least two years of exclusivity which can limit your ability to resell or republish the story later. (You can negotiate the exact terms of exclusivity with Double Dragon.) Once your story appears in TALES OF FORTANNIS, it will severely limit its future possibilities, including a future pay rate. Note as well that while the book will be promoted in a number of ways, sales will not be huge. Don’t give up your day job. You should be submitting mostly for the exposure. As a standard warning that applies in all similar cases, you need to decide if publishing your work in e-formats and/or on the web, giving up your First Publishing Right for a token payment, is really what you want to do. About Fortannis: Fortannis is the fantasy land where my novels ARCH ENEMIES and THE AXES OF EVIL take place as well as Derek Beebe’s recent novel IT’S A WONDERFUL DEATH. Your story does not have to take place in the same kingdom as these stories, and you can create your own kingdom and characters; however, the more you can tie your story in with previous stories, the better. Fortannis is a high fantasy world with elves, dwarves, the mysterious...

Taking Submissions: Timeless Tales Issue #9. Rumpelstiltskin

Deadline: September 1st, 2017 Payment: $20 per piece Timeless Tales exclusively publishes retellings of fairy tales and myths. We only accept submissions that are retellings of the fairytale or myth listed as our theme. We don't accept original fairy tales or stories outside of our current theme. These are the known upcoming themes: #9. Rumpelstiltskin - Submission window Aug. 18 - Sept. 1, 2017. #10. TBD (But definitely one of the BIG famous fairy tales for our anniversary edition) Subscribe to our newsletter to vote on the theme and to receive notice when we decide on dates Additional Rules:  Length: Up to 2,000 words. Under 1,500 preferred. (For poems, you may technically send us multiple pieces up to 1,500 words total, but please be considerate of our editor and only send your best and most polished work). Genres:  As of 2016, we are now accepting poetry! In general, please think outside the box! We love to see modernizations, sci-fi retellings, prequels, continuations, mash-ups, etc. Just no eroticism, please (see Content section). Formatting: Please put your story's title and the author's name in the file name of your submission. Example: "Pandora's Choice by Zeus Smith.doc". Too often, we'll get a ton of submissions all labeled "Pandoras Box.doc" and it makes it harder to keep track of them.  Want to know what makes an A+ fairy tale retelling?, HERE is my blog post about it. Content: While Timeless Tales is not targeted specifically at children, it is a fairly conservative magazine, especially when it comes to language and sexual content, so I intend to keep the stories in the PG-13 range or below. However, I have a deep appreciation for the darker side of many original fairy tales, so don’t assume I only want “happy” stories. Pay Rate: As of 2016, we have slightly raised our rates. We now pay a flat rate of $20 per piece accepted--both poetry and fiction. You'll also get a free year...

Taking Submissions: Menagerie de Mythique Anthology Call: Mythical Creatures Anthology

Deadline: September 5th, 2017 Payment: One half-cent per word, with a minimum payment of $5.00 and a maximum of $15.00. Note: Reprints Welcome. Payment for reprints is a maximum of $10. Estimated to come out in December.   Word Count:    500-10,500 Theme:    Creatures of myth and fantasy have long been a fascination in cultures throughout the the world. Did they ever exist? Do they still exist now? Imagine a time where these creatures were plentiful. Or perhaps, when they once were but now there is only one or two left. We are looking for stories centered on such creatures, be they unicorns, dragons, griffins, chimeras, or something unknown. We will consider any sub-genre, but the story must focus on a mythical creature. ALWAYS READ THE FULL THEMES AND GUIDELINES WHEN SUBMITTING. PIECES THAT FAIL TO MEET THE GUIDELINES/THEME WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED. Response Time:  Please allow up to one month. After that, if you don't hear from us then feel free to give us a little nudge.   Payment: Payment will be one half-cent per word, with a minimum payment of $5.00 and a maximum of $15.00. Payments will be made by PayPal in USD. Payments will go out no later than four months after the publication date. Editing: Yes, your story will be edited if we decide to accept it. After we go through and edit your story, it will then be sent back to you for final approval. In some cases, we may ask for revisions to be made.  Reprints, Multiple & Simultaneous Submissions: Yes. Payment for reprints is a maximum of $10. SEND A SEPARATE EMAIL FOR EACH SUBMISSION. MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS SENT IN ONE EMAIL MAY BE DISCARDED WITHOUT BEING READ. Guidelines for Submissions:   All submissions are to be sent to [email protected]. In the subject line please type MYTHICAL ANTHOLOGY SUBMISSION: . In the body...