Epeolatry Book Review: We’re Not Ourselves Today by Jill Girardi and Lydia Prime

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Title: We’re Not Ourselves Today
Author: Jill Girardi and Lydia Prime
Genre: Pulp Horror
Publisher: Kandisha Press
Release Date: 16th March, 2024
Synopsis: WE’RE NOT OURSELVES TODAY is comprised of 13 pulp horror stories, full of razor-sharp teeth and buckets of blood–some old, some new, ALL HORRIFYING! Featuring superb cover art by Corlen Scope and inner artwork by Dedy Badic Art
If you’re looking for Margaret Mitchell, you best be Gone with the Wind… but if you’re looking for a BLOODY good time, these ladies wrote this book just for you.
Get ready to light a candle, settle into your moldiest armchair, and enjoy this wild ride!
A fun romp through pulp horror with two talented women of horror! I enjoyed all the stories and several especially stood out for me. Here goes…
“The Letter” by Lydia Prime gets us off to a running start! Time traveling, vengeful, and a scary creature—what’s not to love! Here’s a cool quote from the story, “She wiped away the sadness as it trailed down her face.”
Totally loved “The Garbage People” by Jill Girardi! Jill often infuses ancient lore in her writing, which is a favorite of mine. An ancient demon who requires sacrifices or all hell will break loose. Well, you better give him what he wants. This one has movie potential. A crazy white-trash family living in a dump, classic. Another cool quote, “Demons do grant wishes after all…”
Girardi’s “The Wet Dream” was an emotional ride. An ancient native American princess and glorious revenge. Be careful of the quiet ones, they’re just biding their time.
Prime’s “Sadie” begins with a bang. Scary dolls and wolves are staples of good horror. Unexpected ending to this one for sure.
“The Roiling” by Jill Girardi gives the reader a view of a possible dystopian future involving raucous amphibian overlords. Revenge is a dish best served cold, of course.
“Lunation” by Lydia Prime looks to be the beginning of a much longer work. Sadie has a cameo in this one and there’s a lot going on in this story. Definitely movie potential with this one.
“Hunger” by Jill Girardi reminds us that no matter how hungry you might be, don’t always eat what’s given to you.
“Lab Rats” by Jill Girardi has a lot of—you guessed it—rats, and a woman who loves them a little too much.
“Hazel Hill” by Lydia Prime reminds us that going to rehab doesn’t always turn out how one hopes.
Well, I almost mentioned every story. This anthology will not disappoint. It was a fun read, and I enjoyed them all!
Check here for availability: Kandisha Press.