Epeolatry Book Review: The Language of Shadows by Aaron White

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Title: The Language of Shadows
Author: Aaron White
Genre: Horror/Short Stories
Publisher: Independent
Release Date: 31st Dec, 2020
Synopsis: A strange house and its equally strange occupant lurk in the middle of a forbidden stretch of woods near a small, superstitious village.On a cold wintery night, an unfortunate accident sends a young man to a nightmarish hospital where nothing is quite as it seems.A series of bizarre deaths leads a detective to the coast of a New England town where something sinister lurks deep in the ocean.An infamous artist creates one last frightening piece of work and unleashes it upon a prestigious gallery and its guests.A wealthy entrepreneur, having exhausted every earthly indulgence, seeks new experiences beyond the known universe using experimental and dangerous technology.These stories and more await you in THE LANGUAGE OF SHADOWS, a collection of short stories written and illustrated by award-winning artist Aaron White.
THE LANGUAGE OF SHADOWS, a collection of short stories written and illustrated by award-winning artist Aaron White, does not disappoint.
Prime Time Terror, about a video portal to a nightmarish reality found amongst the MC’s father’s stuff, is reminiscent of the movie, Beyond the Gates. Although this story takes place in a darker place.
Lonely Girl, in omniscient POV (which I like) left the MC reeling in confusion, and his predator unable to come to terms with her appetite.
Hell is for Children—the title calls to mind Pat Benatar, but the tale does NOT. The story takes place at haunted children’s asylum on mischief night, and it included the ever-trepidatious Ouija Board. I liked the journey, but had unresolved questions at the end.
Happy Day Exile was my personal favorite. Aliens + clowns + space worms + cannibals = a Happy Day burger.
I liked that most stories included a comeuppance, because I like to see perps get punished. To me, that’s a happy ending.
Also a plus—the illustrations. My mind formed a picture of the evil-intent, but I preferred White’s renderings over my imagination.
Hell, outer space, and other dark realms provided creepy settings. I think White gave just about every age group good space on the page.
As writers, we all have our pet words. The only thing keeping me from giving this collection a ‘five’ is over usage of the word “some”. Horror, feelings, and eerie places need to be defined. I’m not scared of some things or some places. I’m scared of demos and dark hallways.
Still, this is worthy of reading! out of 5 ravens