Epeolatry Book Review: The Dark Between the Twilight by Jamal Hodge


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Title: The Dark Between the Twilight
Author: Jamal Hodge
Genre: American Poetry, U.S. Horror Fiction, Dark Poetry
Publisher: Crystal Lake Publishing
Publication Date: 14th June, 2024

Synopsis: The Dark Between the Twilight is a unique collection of memoir and speculative poems that takes the reader on an unforgettable exploration of the darkest and brightest fragments of a lonely but loving heart. It is an accounting of one man’s soul through the power of the imagination. Through the redemption of his pain, Jamal Hodge invites us to turn from the shadows of the past and seek the light in our own lives.

Darkness purifies, Loneliness empties, and in the light, all are made whole again.

Proudly represented by Crystal Lake Publishing—Tales from the Darkest Depths.
