Taking Submissions: Dose of Dread October 2021 (Early Listing)

Submission Window: October 1st-15th, 2021
Payment: $10
Theme: Un-themed, general horror flash fiction. Preference to dread-inducing stories.

Submissions OPEN (Monthly, 1st – 15th). Un-themed, general horror flash fiction. Preference to dread-inducing stories.

Length: 500 – 1,000 words. Firm.

Author Compensation: $10, paid via PayPal.

Publication: Dread Stone Press website (Dose of Dread).

Reading Periods: Monthly, 1st to 15th. Any stories submitted outside of each reading period will not be read. Two (2) stories will be selected out of each reading period for publication the following month.

Rights: First World Electronic Rights. Non-exclusive rights thereafter. No reprint restrictions after publication.

Original stories ONLY. No reprints. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but NO multiple submissions. You may submit again the next month if rejected. If your story is accepted, please sit out one reading period before submitting again.