Has Windows, Not Ongoing: Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
Payment: Contributor’s copy and:
Short Fiction: 1.25 cents/Word (AUD) with a A$20 minimum per piece.
Poetry, and Flash Fiction (under 1000 words): A$10 per piece.
How to Submit
E-mail to [email protected] as an attached RTF. We do not accept submissions via post.
No simultaneous submissions and one submission at a time, please!
We only accept science fiction, fantasy and supernatural horror works up to 10,000 words in length. Submissions of up to 20,000 words are permitted from subscribers and from authors resident in Australia and New Zealand.
We do not accept any submissions where the work is currently available, for free or purchase, in any form elsewhere, whether in print, online, or as a podcast. Given that, reprint submissions are highly unlikely to be accepted.
We do not accept serialised submissions, so please don’t ask.
Once we have received and logged your submission, we will reply with a submission number. Follow the link to thesubmissions tracking page for info on how long to wait before querying about your submission.
Once you have your submission number, you can track the progress of your submission on our submissions tracking page.
Check out our formatting guidelines and refer to http://www.shunn.net/writing/coach/format.html for a preferred submission format. This link is to an excellent reference on how to format manuscripts. William Shunn has no relationship to ASIM.
Please make sure you include your full contact details, including postal address, e-mail and phone number.
What We Pay
Short Fiction: 1.25 cents/Word (AUD) with a A$20 minimum per piece.
Poetry, and Flash Fiction (under 1000 words): A$10 per piece.
Non-fiction: A$10 for articles of 1000 words or greater.
Artwork: We pay A$100 per cover and A$20 per internal piece.
Every contributor also receives a copy of the issue in which their item appears, whether that’s fiction, non-fiction, artwork or poetry.
Submitting to ASIM – The Details
“….ASIM’s submissions process has to rank up there with the #1
all time process I’ve ever encountered.”
Sonny Whitelaw
“Easily the best submission procedures
of any magazine
to which I’ve submitted.”
Lee Battersby
Although we’re based in Australia, we welcome submissions from all countries. We submit every issue to reviewers at Locus, SF Crowsnest, Tangent and more, and also to several Year’s Best anthologies. We’re reviewed regularly by many of them.
Getting published in ASIM does not mean your fiction will only be seen by a handful of wallabies in outback Australia!
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine buys First Australian Serial Rights and limited electronic rights.
ASIM is a magazine available in both physical, eBook and PDF formats. Contracts ask for limited electronic rights, as well as first Australian print rights. We offer the electronic version in parallel with the print version.
We accept science fiction, fantasy and supernatural horror works up to 10,000 words in length. Submissions of up to 20,000 words are permitted from subscribers and from authors resident in Australia and New Zealand. (It costs a fortune for Aus & NZ authors to post a story that length to overseas markets—that’s why we bend the guidelines for them.)
We do not accept serialised submissions, so please don’t ask.
Andromeda Spaceways is intended for a wide audience, so we don’t want anything more than M rated: no gratuitous sex or graphic violence. We want the overall tone of ASIM to be light as opposed to the dark-and-gritty style that characterises so many other SF mags this day and age. This does not mean we only publish light humour pieces, though. Our readers are just as keen on traditional fantasy and hard science fiction. We’re just not the best market for doom-laden go-nowhere stories that push the boundaries of the English language into new and unfortunate places.
Given an otherwise even choice between angst and adventure, we’ll grab the adventure.
Payment for stories: 1.25 cents/Word (AUD) with a A$20 minimum per piece
Payment for flash fiction (up to 1000 words): A$10 per piece
Any style under two pages, though must be speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy or supernatural horror).
Payment for poetry: A$10 per piece.