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Taking Submissions: Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine 2023 Second Window

Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine

Submission Window: December 15th, 2023 - March 15th, 2024 Payment: $10 Theme: Stories that constitutes the ever-moving edge of its kind, as a place between light and dark, consciousness and un, today and tomorrow; work exhibiting the strange, the bizarre, that which is not of the world we know, but more of a twilight realm or even altogether alien place. Submission window: We are always open for submissions of art, animation, and music! We are currently closed for fiction and poetry submissions. We are open for fiction and poetry submissions from 15 June to 15 September and from 15 December to 15 March each year. I would love to see submissions representing not only multiple cultures but subcultures, exploring issues of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, and many things I haven't thought of. Does this mean you have to represent everybody and everything in 1000 words? Of course not. But be aware that we are creating a magazine that overall reaches and represents the true diversity of the world we live in. In terms of genre, I am looking for work that constitutes the ever-moving edge of its kind, as a place between light and dark, consciousness and un, today and tomorrow; work exhibiting the strange, the bizarre, that which is not of the world we know, but more of a twilight realm or even altogether alien place. Not necessarily science fiction, not necessarily fantasy, not necessarily horror, and not necessarily not these things. In short, ideally edgy. Maybe even idealistically edgy. I am NOT looking for porn. Penumbric generally accepts submissions in the following categories: fiction, poetry, illustration, graphic narrative, animation, music, or combinations of these (e.g., a spoken-word version of a poem). If you have something that fits some other category that can be displayed to advantage on the web, try me; I'll take a...

Taking Submissions: Eye to the Telescope #52

Eye to the Telescope

Deadline: March 15th, 2024 Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25 Theme: Dragons Eye to the Telescope 52, Dragons, will be edited by J. D. Harlock. Even though no one can agree on what exactly dragons are, nearly every culture has mythologized them in some way. From their size to their design to their abilities to their origins, tales of dragons are as diverse as humanity itself, with some of the earliest poetry in the English language revolving around them, reinventing what dragons were perceived as for the time. In this dragon-themed call, we want your take on dragons. Feel free to draw from traditions outside the predominant Western narrative to develop an original take on these fearsome creatures or introduce under-appreciated interpretations from your own cultures. Not only can you twist the idea of what dragons are as you see fit, but you can place them in genres outside of traditional fantasy, where they have often been underutilized or absent. Poetry that rhymes is more than welcome, and I'm open to a genre approach to submissions as much as I am to a literary one! Submission Guidelines SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Use the form at  to submit. Please submit 1–3 unpublished poems in English (ideally, attached as .docx or .txt) and include a short bio. Translations from other languages are acceptable with the permission of the original poet (unless public domain). Inquiries only to [email protected] with “ETTT” in the subject line. Deadline: March 15. The issue will appear on April 15, 2024. Payment and rights Accepted poems will be paid for at the following rate: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25. Payment is on publication. The Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association normally uses PayPal to pay poets, but can also send checks. Eye to the Telescope is an...

Taking Submissions: Weird Horror Magazine March 2024 Window (Early Listing)

Undertow Publications

Submission Window: March 2nd - March 15th, 2024 Payment: 2¢ (2-cents) per word , with a $25 minimum and $100 maximum and 2 contributor's copies Theme: Horror and weird fiction from 500 to 5,000 words, firm. OPENS: March 2, 2024 CLOSES: March 15, 2024 We are seeking horror and weird fiction from 500 to 5,000 words, firm. Query first if your story is over 5,000 words. We are a home for the strange, the macabre, the eerie, the esoteric, the fabulist, and the gothic. The darkly numinous. The odd. We are not interested in extreme horror. Do not send science fiction or fantasy. We’ve published established professional authors Brian Evenson, John Langan, M. Rickert, Steve Rasnic Tem, and more. But we are also very supportive of emerging writers, and have twice published first-time authors. Please send 1 story only per reading period. NOTE - We are not considering stories written, co-written, created, or assisted by AI and machine-learning languages such as ChatGPT. Please do not send them. We are seeking first English-language publication rights. Fiction must be in English, and previously unpublished in English anywhere, in any format (including audio), on any platform, including your blog, website, newsletter, Patreon, etc. Please do not query about reprints. We will consider works translated to English, as long as you are offering first English-language publication rights. Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Please inform us if your story is accepted elsewhere. No multiple submissions. Please send 1 story only per reading period. The magazine is free to read online here: Read Weird Horror We encourage you to read some of the stories to familiarize yourself with our aesthetic. We receive about 1,000 manuscripts each period, and accept less than 2% of submissions. Do not be discouraged by a form rejection. Payment is U.S. 2¢ (2-cents)...

Taking Submissions: Monstrous Magazine #2

Monstrous Books

Submission Window: March 1st 15th, 2024 Payment: 6 cents per word for flash, 3 cents per word for nonfiction Theme: Horror Dealing With Time Travel We’re looking for content for MONSTROUS #2, our horror comic magazine. FLASH FICTION WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR: A horror story dealing with time travel. No Morlock stories. Sorry. Submission Period: March 1, 2024 - March 15, 2024 Payment: 6 cents a word Length: 1000 to 1500 words Simultaneous submissions are okay. Just let us know if you were accepted elsewhere. No multiple subs or reprints. Email full stories to jamesmonstrousbookscom and use this format for the subject heading: Monstrous 2 Flash - Title - Author Name. (If this isn’t correct, we may delete without reading. With the number of submissions we get, things get confusing without the proper heading.) Include a short bio in your email. Use Classic Shunn formatting. ARTICLES WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR: Pitches for articles about time travel. It could be about the history of time travel in fiction or you can get more creative with it. Don't send finished articles. The pitches need to be only a short paragraph long. Payment: 3 cents a word Submission Period: Open now until further notice. Email pitches to jamesmonstrousbookscom and use this format for the subject heading: Monstrous 2 Articles - Title - Author Name. Include a short bio in your email. SHORT COMICS WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR: Finished black-and-white horror comics from 1 to 4 pages. We are NOT looking for scripts. Comics should deal with time travel in some way and lean toward horror. Size: Digest magazine, 5.5 x 8.5 inches. Email submissions to jamesmonstrousbookscom and use this format for the subject heading: Monstrous Comics - Title - Author Name. Include a short bio in your email. Check out our Kickstarter to familiarize yourself...