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Taking Submissions: Overdue – Tales of Mystery and Adventure

Deadline: September 15th, 2018 Payment: 5% of the gross profit will be paid for each accepted story. OVERDUE: TALES OF MYSTERY AND ADVENTURE RETURNING HISTORY’S LOST BOOKS TO CIRCULATION Throughout history, great books have been lost. Books with forgotten knowledge; books with information that could rewrite history as we know it; or simply books that could make someone a pretty penny. Many of these works, are, no doubt, gone for good. Some, however, may still survive as lone copies hidden in musty archives, quirky bookshops, jealously guarded private collections, dismal castles, or remote caverns. A global effort has been launched to find them. These are the stories from behind the scenes. THE BASICS Overdue is a shared-universe anthology joining together M.H. Norris’s All the Petty Myths and Jon Black’s Bel Nemeton. Bring us stories about questing for lost books. The books may come from actual history, myth, literature (remember to check copyright status), or your imagination. Among the genres we will consider are Adventure, Gothic, Horror, Pulp, Mystery, Magical Realism, Thriller, Urban Fantasy, and Weird Fiction. More important than the genre are meeting the five criteria below: 1) Feature innovative storytelling and excellent writing. 2) Revolve around the search for a lost book (see “The Set-Up” and “Sample Books” below). 3) Fit into the parameters of the Shared Universe (see “Defining the Shared Universe” below). 4) As part of the Shared Universe parameters, the main action must occur in the present day. Flashbacks and vignettes exploring the history of a book, however, are perfectly acceptable. 5) Also as part of the Shared Universe parameters, stories must take place in our world (Sorry, no alt-history, steampunk, stories set on other planets, etc.). THE SET-UP Over the millennia, many books have been lost. The Booker Foundation (see Notable Bits of Worldbuilding below) is paying handsomely for any of these missing treasures that can be...

Taking Submissions: Corpus Press Untitled 2019 Non-Themed Horror Anthology

Deadline: September 15th, 2018 Payment: $.03 per word up to $150 and 2 contributor's copies Corpus Press is now accepting submissions for non-themed horror anthologies with a publication target of 2019. Submissions will be accepted according to our publishing needs, regardless of author publication history, status, race, creed, gender, sexual preferences or any other identity factor. Submissions should be story-driven and appeal to a wide adult audience. What we ARE looking for: • Not previously published short stories of 2,500-4,500 words. We are seeking stories that can be characterized as being within the broad category of “horror” fiction. • Successful submissions will be highly original, well written and cleanly edited. • Stories may be frightening, thought-provoking, atmospheric, humorous and/or satirical (or any combination thereof), but MUST contain a complete tale. What we ARE NOT looking for: • We are not seeking “extreme horror” or “Splatterpunk” material. We discourage submissions that have a singular purpose of shocking the audience with explicit language, sexuality and/or violence. Explicit language, sexuality and violence are acceptable, however, if handled in a tasteful manner and in service to a well-plotted, engaging story. • Abstract mood pieces, vignettes, and highly experimental approaches to literature are discouraged. We are not accepting poems. • Stories featuring exaggerated dialects, colloquialisms or excessive references to pop culture or current fads are discouraged. • Not seeking stories featuring vampires, werewolves or zombies. • Epistolary fiction will not be accepted. Document Requirements: Submissions must be in an editable format sent via the publisher’s submission portal. No PDFs or scanned documents sent as image files will be accepted. Preference is for author name, email address and word count information to be placed only at the end of the document to assist with blinded review process. Submission window: June 1, 2018 until midnight EST September...

Taking Submissions: Eye To The Telescope #30: Witches

Deadline: September 15th, 2018 Payment: US 3¢/word rounded to nearest dollar; minimum US $3, maximum $25. Eye to the Telescope 30, Witches, will be edited by Ashley Dioses. A witch is defined as someone who is said to possess usually malignant supernatural powers. Since speculative fiction covers fantasy and science fiction as well as horror, we’re going to focus on ‘usually’ in that definition. I want any take on witches with any gender. Horrific witches, saintly witches, pretty witches, ugly witches, witches from different planets, witches from different dimensions, historical witches with a speculative spin. I want witches performing rituals, witches celebrating the sabbats, witches casting spells or curses. I know sorceresses, conjurers, enchantresses are similar but they are not the same. I prefer traditional formal and metrical verse done well. Prose poetry is fine. For free verse, enchant me with imagery and beautiful language. That doesn’t mean archaic language (though a little is fine). Think of Edgar Allan Poe, Clark Ashton Smith, George Sterling, David Park Barnitz, Charles Baudelaire. Submission Guidelines SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Please submit 1–3 poems in English (in body of e-mail, or attached as .doc, .docx, or .rtf). Please send submissions to [email protected] with the subject line “ETTT sub:” followed by the poet’s name. Include a short bio. Deadline: September 15. The issue will appear on October 15, 2018. Payment and rights Accepted poems will be paid for at the following rate: US 3¢/word rounded to nearest dollar; minimum US $3, maximum $25. Payment is on publication. The Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association normally uses PayPal to pay poets, but can also send checks. Eye to the Telescope is an online publication. Therefore, First Electronic Rights (for original unpublished poems) are being sought. Who can submit? Anyone writing speculative poetry. What is Speculative Poetry? Speculative poetry is poetry which falls within the genres of...

Taking Submissions: Bikers VS The Undead (tentative title)

Deadline: September 15th, 2018 Payment: $10 and 60% of net earnings divided evenly among the authors. Announcing call for submissions for Hollow Grounds: Bikers VS The Undead (tentative title) All Submissions should meet this criteria: Works: short stories and flash fiction Genre and theme: Horror and dark fiction about bikers coming across the undead. Deadline: September 15th Format: Attach the .RTF, .DOC, or .DOCX Word Count 5k – 7k words approx. for short stories, no limit for flash. Payment: $10 Token payment via Paypal and 60% of net earnings divided evenly among the authors. Multiple Submissions okay. Submit a brief bio, we don’t care if you have no work history, give us a brief bio of yourself. Send submission to [email protected] Announcing call for general horror and dark fiction submissions for a FREE to READ magazine. All Submissions should meet this criteria: Works: short stories and flash fiction and poetry Genre and theme: Horror and dark fiction about anything. No limits, even for the extreme. Deadline: Open year long – three to four slots per issue circulating monthly Format: Attach the .RTF, .DOC, or .DOCX Word Count 4k – 6k words approx. for short stories, no limit for flash. Payment: $5 Token payment via Paypal Multiple Submissions okay. Submit a brief bio, we don’t care if you have no work history, give us a brief bio of yourself. Send submission to [email protected] Via: Deadman's Tome.

Taking Submissions: The Cockroach Conservatory Volume 2

Deadline: September 15th, 2018. Payment:6 cents a word or $10 per poem Pitiful humans! It is time again to open submissions in celebration of our Lord Commander Patagonia! His second volume of holy texts will be titled: Glory of Man: The Rise and Fall of the Reality Soldier. As always, the naming conventions of our infallible Lord Commander Patagonia enlightens as much as it obfuscates. Allow me, his perfect instrument of perfect judgement, to give some clarifying points. As you may know, Lord Commander Patagonia was attracted to your puny planet by way of its music. One such song that struck him so was The Minutemen's Glory of Man. Themes we are looking for to further entwine the fate of our two planets, Earthagonia and Black Hole Duffel, are: Time Militarism Reality Singularity Interdimensionality Fake News Propaganda Technology In anticipation of silly questions and to lessen the chances that my Slap of Judgement be administered unto your face, allow me to be clear. Fake News should make no mention of whatever current political climate your country is facing now. Absorb the themes of your time into fiction but we are not looking for your long winded diatribes about what you believe this way or that way. We are followers of Lord Commander Patagonia and we have no leader before him. Therefore, we care not for the gripes of your world. You must not have a character named "Reality Soldier." The Reality Soldier is aboard our very expensive ship and does not take kindly to misrepresentation of his character. We appreciate weird. We appreciate humorous. We appreciate absurdity. To get an idea of what we publish, take a look at our first volume available on Amazon here. We realize we are a new market and you may not want to shell out the bucks...

Taking Submissions: Weird Mask: Zombie Fiction

Deadline: September 15th, 2018 Payment: Contributor's Copy Accepting submissions for October issue! Looking for zombie short stories or flash fiction. As a monthly zine, we are always looking for short stories, flash fiction and even artwork. Genre fiction is a PLUS! Normally the weirder the better, but that isn’t always true. Short stories should be around the 3k word mark. Flash fiction could be as short as you want. As of now, the only payment we can offer is contributor copy. We hope to change that in the near future. If you are wanting to submit a serialized story, please message us first with a small pitch and how many issues you would need to tell the story and we will get back to you promptly. To submit a story, please copy and paste it in the form below. No need to format your piece in any special way. Thanks! Via: Weird Mask.

Taking Submissions: The Eagle Has Landed

Deadline: September 15th, 2018. Payment: 1 cent/word against a pro-rata share of royalties I’m currently working on THE EAGLE HAS LANDED, a reprint anthology that celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11’s moon landing with the best moon-related SF published since then. Publisher: Night Shade Books Formats: Ebook, Print, and Audio Publication Date: 2019 Payment: 1 cent/word against a pro-rata share of royalties Submissions Window: Submissions will be open today through September 15th, 2018. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Science fiction reprints (no original stories) published within the last 50 years 3000-22000 words in length English language (translations are welcome) Stories must take place on the moon or feature the moon in a significant way HOW SHOULD YOU LET ME KNOW ABOUT A STORY? If you are an editor or fan and would like to recommend a story for consideration, please leave a comment on this post or send email to [email protected]. If you’re an author and have a story you would like considered for this anthology, please submit a copy in .doc or .rtf format at: Multiple submissions permitted. Via: Neil Clarke.

Taking Submissions: Arsenika – Autumn 2018 Issue

Deadline: September 15th, 2018 Payment: $60 USD for fiction and $30 USD for poetry Arsenika is currently OPEN to flash fiction and poetry submissions. Submissions close on September 15, 2018. Our reading periods are as follows: February 1–March 15 for our Spring (April) issue; May 1–June 15 for our Summer (July) issue; August 1–September 15 for our Autumn (October) issue; and November 1–December 15 for our Winter (January) issue. Feel free to record your submissions at Duotrope and/or the Submissions Grinder. We are also listed on Ralan. Fiction and Poetry Guidelines Arsenika is looking for previously unpublished original fiction and poetry up to 1,000 words long. Payment is $60 USD for fiction and $30 USD for poetry for first world electronic rights and non-exclusive audio rights. We hope to raise the poetry rate to $60 as well in the future—please support us on Patreon if you’d like to help us reach our goal. Submit no more than two flash fiction pieces and five poems at a time, and please make sure you fill out the form again for each piece you send, unless the pieces are meant to be read together (e.g. a triptych of poems). All work should be in Standard Manuscript Format (fiction format/poetry format). Format poetry exactly as you would like to see it online—use italics for italics, underlines for underlines, boldface for boldface, etc. Send only TXT, RTF, DOC, and DOCX files. Please do not send simultaneous submissions (pieces that are submitted to Arsenikaand another market at the same time). Multiple submissions are accepted, but please have no more than two flash fiction pieces and five poems in the submissions queue at a time. We try to respond to all submissions within 14 days. If you haven’t heard from us in 30 days, please send us a query at [email protected]. Remember: Don’t self-reject. Please ensure that you understand our guidelines. When you are...

Taking Submissions: Hinnom Magazine (LIMITED WINDOW!)

Deadline: September 15th, 2018 Payment: $30 for stories under 3,000 words, $55 for those over 3,000 words PLEASE READ THE SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES BELOW. HINNOM MAGAZINE PAYS $55 FOR ACCEPTED STORIES OVER 3,000 WORDS AND $30 FOR STORIES UNDER 3,000 WORDS.   Greetings from the Valley of Hinnom, With the amazing success of Hinnom Magazine during the year of 2017, we have decided to move onward with this publication and to make several big changes that will not only widen our reach to the darker side of literature, but will also benefit the authors. The issues will release bi-monthly, on the last day of every other month, starting in February 2018. We seek authors who have a unique voice, interesting writing styles, and unparalleled storytelling talents. We also encourage prospective authors to read one of our previous publications to get a feel of the atmosphere and themes we favor. We know a lot of publishers say this, but there is good reason for it. FICTION SUBMISSION DETAILS: Whereas last year’s issues of Hinnom Magazine were a bit more lenient, the 2018 volume is going to be much more specific in our themes since we have found our voice as a publication. Below, you will find the genres and subgenres that we adore. Again, if you read our previous releases, you will likely develop a solid understanding of what Hinnom Magazine represents in dark fiction. We are looking for stories that fit the themes of Weird Fiction and Cosmic Horror. Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy are all welcomed, as long as they fit in the realms of Weird and Cosmic. All stories must also be speculative in some way. What we mean by this is that we don’t want stories based in realism. While many great horror stories are plausible in modern reality, these stories are not for Hinnom Magazine. Thus, all horror MUST BE otherworldly or supernatural in some way. Science Fiction MUST BE dark and speculative....