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Taking Submissions: Single Slices
January 31, 2015
Deadline: January 31st, 2015
Payment: $0.03 a word
Have you written a horror short story that’s too long for a +Horror Library+ collection, but too short to be a proper stand-alone novella? Well then Cutting Block Books’ Single Slices is for you!
Cutting Block Books is looking for well-written short stories that run from 8k-15,000 words for our new digital-first singles line. We want strong horror stories with a supernatural element—no sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal romance or bizarro—just pure character-driven supernatural horror with a beginning, middle, and an end.
Note: the absolute best way to see the kind of stories we like is to read previous volumes of our Bram Stoker Award® nominated Horror Library series, available in paperback and e-book from Amazon. Similarly, our Stoker nominated Tattered Souls 2 is also available, and should be useful in rounding out your understanding of our varied horror preferences.
Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman 12pt, double-spaced, with a header that includes all author info. Email with cover letter to:
cuttingblocksubs (AT) gmail.com
Payment will be $0.03 a word, plus consideration for inclusion in a possible future paperback Single Slices collection, if we decide to do one. Each digital Single Slice will be professionally formatted, fronted with original cover art, and will sell for $0.99 in Amazon’s Kindle store.
Our first submission window will only remain open until January 31, 2015. Response time is expected to be two (2) months. No reprints or simultaneous submissions, please.
Query Letters
Meanwhile, if you have a completed novel that is polished and ready to hit the market, you may send us a query letter. Please follow the instructions on the “Contact Us” page.
Via: Faro Light Publishing.