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Taking Submissions: DECODED: a SFFH story for every day of Pride month
April 30, 2020
Deadline: April 30th, 2020 (not in post, confirmed on Twitter from the publisher.)
Payment: Flash short story (up to 250 words) – $25, Short story (up to 2500 words) – $100, Long form (up to 7500 words) – $200, Comics – $75
Theme: Queer science fiction, fantasy, and horror by queer authors
Decoded is a story-a-day anthology of queer science fiction, fantasy, and horror by queer authors. We will feature writing and comics released to subscribers every day of Pride month. If you want to get an email when subscriptions become available, please sign up for our email list.
We are both avid readers, and as such, we welcome a wide array of subject matter. Everything from experimental comics to thinly-veiled fanfiction to good old formulaic genre is right up our alley, so don’t disqualify yourself – submit! Our only rule for the month is that you’re a queer creator – and that you bring your A-game!
The point is to create a space for queer folks to build community as fiction writers and comic creators. We seek to center the voices of those most marginalized within queer communities. We want to facilitate works with queer themes, writers, and audiences.
If that sounds like you, read more below about logistics and how to submit your story.
Fees paid to authors
Flash short story (up to 250 words) – $25
Short story (up to 2500 words) – $100
Long form (up to 7500 words) – $200
Comics – $75
Fees will be paid via PayPal.
Submitting stories
- Please email your submission to [email protected] with the title “DECODED SUBMISSION – [story/comic title]” by midnight on April 30th.
- Attach your submission in a word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced with one inch margins (or something similar). For comics, email us the best way to view your work.
- Submissions must be all original content (unpublished elsewhere).
- You may submit multiple works, as long as they fit different categories. For instance, you can submit one longform and one comic or one short story and one flash, but not two flash or two long form.
- Simultaneous submission is fine, but tell us if it gets placed elsewhere.
- In your email, please tell us a bit about yourself and what “queer” means to you. Listen, we’re not checking contributors’ identities, but if you are cisgender, heterosexual, and/or not queer in any sense, please refrain from submitting to this call. There are infinite possibilities for your work to be published, edited, and praised by cishet editors. Let us do our thing.
- There is no fee for entry, but if you love this anthology idea and want to see it thrive, we’ll have a tip jar set up soon.
- Please sign up for our email list if you want to get emails about Decoded and know when submissions go live.
Who are we?
Sara and S.E. are the co-hosts of the podcast Bitches on Comics – we’re also critics and creators. We both write fiction and we both love reading fiction. This collection has come about because we believe that it is important to honor the rebellious, anti-fascist history of Pride by focusing on queer artists and writers of today. Learn more about us.
Nitty Gritty Details
- This release will be online-only and available to anyone for a small subscription fee. Contributors will all receive the full season on the house.
- We are not multilingual, but we welcome multilingual work and will work with translations to assess the fit of any pieces submitted in multiple languages. We will accept stories from all over the world.
- We claim first worldwide electronic rights (text and audio), first print rights (author must be willing to sign copies), and non-exclusive anthology rights.
Via: Bitches On Comics.