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Taking Submissions: Chained In The Attic
February 25, 2012
Deadline: February 25th, 2012
Payment: $1.00 for every 1,000 words.
Chained In The Attic
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 25, 2012
General horror. Here is a place for all your short stories that are wonderful but haven’t found a home in a specialized anthology.
This is a collection of stories to be enjoyed by everyone, please keep excessive cussing and sex out unless integral to your character.
Email submissions to: [email protected]
Word count is 2,000-6,000
Only accepting UNPUBLISHED work
Payment will be $1.00 for every 1,000 words.
How To Submit:
Please put the title of the story, and word count, in the subject line of your email.
send to: [email protected]
Submissions should:
Already be self edited
In .rtf format.
No spaces between paragraphs
Single space after sentences
“Double quotations” for conversation
No hard returns
No headers/footers
Use italics NOT underline
No hidden formatting
Font in Georgia or New Times Roman
Submissions pasted in the body of email will be rejected, unread.
Questions about this anthologies?
Email : [email protected]