Epeolatry Book Review: Flash Futures by Eric Fomley
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Title: Flash Futures: Dark Science Fiction Stories
Author: Eric Fomley
Genre: Science Fiction
Publisher: Shacklebound Books
Release Date: 2nd March, 2022
From urban hotel rooms with interdimensional portals to far-future robotic societies, to far-flung galaxies, to the near future, to present day with a twist. Eric Fomley’s first full collection brings a variety of dark futures for your consumption and enjoyment. Flash Futures contains three very short stories and twenty-one sci-fi flash fictions guaranteed to take you to the future in ten minutes or less.
Disclaimer: You’ll see Steph’s name and mine in the Acknowledgements at the end of the release as “The Chasm Between Us” and “A Bag of Soldiers” were both originally published in Trembling With Fear. That being the case, I won’t comment on those two here as we clearly liked them!
‘Flash Futures’ is a great collection of 24 tales of science fiction coming from the mind of Eric S. Fomley. Eric is a known name in the realm of flash fiction as he not only submits to countless short story releases but is also behind Shacklebound Books that releases flash and drabble anthologies, and finally is a huge supporter of speculative fiction authors and the short forms that he enjoys writing in.
So, I’m thrilled to be able to comment about this release!
All of the stories are enjoyable reads though I will say that a few truly stood out. I was a fan of CARE which tell us of an emotional support robot that will do anything to take care of their companion.
Clone Care was another one which stood out. We get a look at a world where cloning is possible but illegal due to the dangers that clones present. It also gives us a look at how those who are racist or sexist will always find new targets to hate.
Give or Take is a story about the importance of friendship and what some people who don’t have a lot of friends are willing to do in order to really keep one going.
Fomley delivers a solid set of science fiction flash stories in his latest collection. From robots to space to science gone wrong, there is a fantastic mix of stories here that will keep you coming back for more!
Available from Amazon.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!