Epeolatry Book Review: Alfred Hitchcock Storyboards by Tony Lee Moral

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Title: Alfred Hitchcock Storyboards
Author: Tony Lee Moral
Genre: Individual Directors, Art of Film & Video, Pop Culture Art
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: 6th February, 2024
Synopsis: A one-of-a-kind historical document and celebration of the artwork behind several of the Master of Suspense’s greatest films.
This stunning coffee table book focuses on the storyboards for nine of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic movies – Vertigo, The Birds, Psycho, North by Northwest, The 39 Steps, Torn Curtain, Marnie, Shadow of a Doubt and Spellbound. It includes never before-published images and incisive text putting the material in context and examining the role the pieces played in some of the most unforgettable scenes in cinema. Hitchcock author and aficionado Tony Lee Moral takes you through the last 100 years of cinema, with the Master of Suspense as your guide.