Trembling With Fear 3-9-25

Greetings, children of the dark. I don’t mean to alarm anyone but… I’m actually up-to-date on reading submissions! Yes, after being almost an entire year behind, I’ve been reading like a madman and sending out feedback and contracts left right and centre. We are absolutely 100% up to date on drabbles (as at time of writing), and I’m just waiting on the bossman looking at the last few short stories from the January window and then we’ll be done. Which means: if you submitted in 2024/25 and haven’t heard from us, please get in touch as the gremlins might’ve been hard at work as well.
The reason I’ve been able to spend so much time catching up? That’s simple: we have so much help around TWF Towers these days. It is so, so lovely to have housemates to keep us ticking over, to pick up the slack, to keep us on track. The biggest help in recent months has been the lovely Annette taking over inbox management – I’m sure you’ve seen her name in your inboxes acknowledging your submissions. Just having that admin taken care of is a huge help, and means that you don’t have to wait so long for me to get time to respond to things. Soooo helpful!
But of course, it’s not just Annette’s help that’s got us bursting at the seams around here. We welcomed a couple of new Assistant Editors a few months ago to take over the mantles of Serials and Unholy Trinities – hi, Vicky and Sarah! – but we’ve now got another four on board to help with the special editions. Yes, that’s a total of six assistant editors in TWF Towers! As interest in this free fiction publication has increased, and we’ve gotten more and more submissions through, we needed to grow the team. It had to happen, or Stuart and I would’ve imploded in a very messy way. (Stuart may still, given he’s trying to revamp the site.) Please join me in welcoming our new residents:
- Jane Morecroft, who you met when we published the Valentine’s Edition
- John Nugent, who’ll be looking for all your dark summer stories very soon
- Angela Zolner, taking up the Halloween Queen mantle, and
- Ahlissa Eichhorn, our new festive fiction specialist
You can meet the full TWF team over here.
These newbies are also helping us get out the incredibly-very-late-embarassingly-so 2023 TWF anthology; the great Steph Ellis has laid it all out, and we just need to proofread it all, so hopefully that will be out by the end of the month. Then we’ll get cracking on the 2024 anthology, and hopefully have a new Publications Editor to help with that!
So yes, lots and lots of new blood around TWF Towers now, but we can always do with fresh blood for Horror Tree as a whole. If you’d like to get involved as a reviewer, interviewer, blogger, social media person, website manager, etc etc, do get in touch and let us know. Or, pitch an idea! You never know what the bossman will be in the mood for…
With that out of the way, it’s time for this week’s edition of dark speculative fiction. For our main course, we’re off on an autumnal walk with Austin Anna; it’s full of nostalgia, strange characters, and, well, suckers. That’s followed by the short, sharp speculations of:
- Karin J Robinson’s monster under the bed,
- Margaret Eve’s danger outdoors, and
- Geoff Holder’s economics of grave robbing.
Want to join these four in the illustrious pages of TWF? Here’s what we’re looking for:
- Always, always with the drabbles – those short, sharp bursts of exactly 100 words. Make it dark and make it speculative (scifi, fantasy, horror). We publish three of these every darn week of the year.
- Unholy Trinities – that’s three drabbles that are connected in some way. Sarah Elliott awaits your tales.
- Serials, or dark speculative fiction that can be serialised on the site over several weeks. Vicky Brewster is ready for ‘em.
- Finally, our next submissions window for general short stories opens at the beginning of April.
Make sure you check our submissions page here for what we do and DON’T want. That last bit is super important – don’t waste your time sending us things we have publicly stated we’ll reject! (Seriously, you’d be surprised…)
OK, rant done. Over to you, Stuart.
Hi all.
I’ve been stuck on a huge project at work, so aside from trying to keep the site functioning, my time has been mainly focussed on the new layout. It’s really the central thing that I’m working on, and I still think that I’m going to need to take a day off of work coming up to try and organize it. Now, to just find a day without meetings.
I’m also harassing my fellow Trembling With Fear editors to hopefully get the print copy out from last year’s edition. Sigh. I’m so sorry that this is so overdue at this point :/
Now, for the standards:
- Thank you so much to everyone who has become a Patreon for Horror Tree. We honestly couldn’t make it without you all!
Offhand, if you’ve ordered Trembling With Fear Volume 6, we’d appreciate a review!
For those who are looking to connect with Horror Tree as we’re not really active on Twitter anymore, we’re also in BlueSky and Threads. *I* am also now on BlueSky and Threads.