Taking Submissions: Apocalypse Hope
Apocalypse Hope
Deadline: September 30, 2011
Payment: AUD$50.00 and one contributor copy of the print book. Further royalties will apply for e-book revenue.
Submissions are now open for the next FableCroft anthology, tentatively titled Apocalypse Hope (we toyed with After the Apocalypse, but Maureen McHugh has already pinched that one!).
The world is ending: climate change, natural disaster, war and disease threaten to destroy all we know. Predictions of the future are bleak. But does the apocalypse really mean the end of the world? Is there no hope for a future that follows?
FableCroft Publishing is seeking speculative fiction stories on the theme “Apocalypse Hope”. The stories must in some way address the idea that after the apocalypse (whatever and wherever in your universe that might be), there is a future for the peoples who survive it. The rest is up to your imagination.
Stories should be between 2,000 and 8,000 words. Please query the editor before sending stories outside those limits.
Original stories are preferred. Please query for reprints.
No simultaneous submissions please.
For multiple submissions, please query first.
Submissions open: July 4, 2011
Submissions close: September 30, 2011
Anticipated publication date: June 2012
Electronic submissions only. Please send story as an rtf or doc attachment to fablecroft [at] gmail [dot] com, with the subject line: SUBMISSION: Title of Story
Please ensure your story file includes your contact details including postal address and email address.
Stories should be formatted to usual electronic submission standard. Times New Roman font of 11/12 point preferred, with at least 1.5 spacing.
Please be cautious to only submit final, proofread copy – ensure you have checked all your edits and removed all track changes in your document.
The editor will respond with a submission received email within 48 hours, but story selection may not occur until up to one month after the deadline. This anthology is open to international contributors.
Payment will be AUD$50.00 and one contributor copy of the print book. Further royalties will apply for e-book revenue.
[via: FableCroft.]