Indie Bookshelf Releases 01/17/2025

Got a book to launch, an event to promote, a kickstarter or seeking extra work/support as a result of being hit economically by life in general?

Get in touch and we’ll promote you here. The post is prepared each Thursday for publication on Friday. Contact us via Horror Tree’s contact address or connect via Twitter or Facebook.

Click on the book covers for more information. Remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page – there’s all sorts lurking in the deep.


Dive into the churning vortex of the imagination in the sixth edition of’s Trembling with Fear anthology. This spellbinding collection presents the pinnacle of speculative fiction, printed throughout the year 2022 in our online ‘Trembling With Fear’ magazine.Our journey across the speculative cosmos spans the vast spectrum of the genre, touching down on the grim shadowlands of horror, the sparkling expanses of science fiction, the enigmatic realms of fantasy, and territories yet uncharted.

The tales in this anthology, handpicked from the digital quill of a diverse array of global voices, embody the electrifying thrill and bone-chilling dread that is the heart of speculative fiction. Their words weave realities that unsettle and intrigue, leaving the mind trembling on the precipice of the unknown.

As you traverse the surreal landscapes within these pages, brace yourself for narratives that gnaw at your nerves, spark wonder, and incite contemplation. The works within this anthology are not merely stories—they are portals to the myriad worlds that dance on the edge of possibility.

In this extraordinary Year 6 collection, you are not just an observer—you are an explorer. And every page turned is a new frontier. We hope you relish this odyssey into the strange and spectacular as much as we have cherished curating it. Enjoy the tremor.

You Can't Take it With you by Marcus Hawke

Short Story Collections


Novels, Novellas, Novelettes

Short Story Collections


Novels and Novellas

Night of the Long Knives
Nothingland Canva Cover.jpg
Beating Ground, The Hollowhills Cycle Vol. IV by Tim Mendees - Green background with a scary hand reaching up out of the dirt

Novels and Novellas

1st  2nd    14th 17th
21st   21st 28th  
Anansi - New and Ancient African Tales Circe - New and Ancient Greek Tales Haint Blue by William Oswald  

Short Story Collections

3rd  4th 6th 12th 21st
Kimberly Godwin - Forsaken A woman with her head back, eyes closed. Her skeleton is visible through her body 6 O'clock House - Full Front Cover.jpg

Novels and Novellas

1st  4th 4th 15th 18th
The Dream is the Truth by Rebecca D. Elswick - 3 shadows of women looking over a scenic view of nature Lake of Secrets by Cassandra O'Sullivan Sachar The Night woman by Todd Zack The Alarm at Aberden by Kaitlyn Dean
Indie Bookshelf Releases March

Novels and Novellas

11th 18th 25th 31st  
Push an Anthology of Childbirth Horror  

Note: These shelves are very much ‘reminders’ of the magazines that are out there, so the covers might not change too often! Please let me know if there are magazines, journals, periodicals we are not aware of.

34 Orchard Cover - a creepy tree with red mountains in the background
A pink dragon looking over a cliff with eggs behind it

Happy reading.


 on behalf of Stuart and the Horror Tree Team


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