Tagged: Undead of Winter

Taking Submissions: Undead of Winter

Undead of Winter DEADLINE: May 15th, 2011 PAYMENT: $3 per story with more if enough books are sold Horror eBook anthology - Extreme Undead: Undead of Winter Reading period will be April 1st 2011 - May 15th 2011 Stories submitted before the reading date or after the reading dates will be returned unread, NO EXCEPTIONS! What the theme will be - Extreme Zombie short stories... we're looking for short stories set in winter... we don't care how the Zombie Apocalypse began or ends, we want survival stories set during... we're looking for extreme stories, extreme violence, extreme sexual situations, extreme zombies... Length and submission... We are looking for tales in the 2,500-7,500 word range. Nothing more, nothing less. We will return (unread) anything not within these guidelines. You can submit a story as either an attachment to the e-mail address in Word or in the body of an e-mail. We do NOT accept snail mail. Please put "Extreme Undead" in the subject of the e-mail and give a word count in the e-mail itself, even if the story also has it listed. Our reading time is usually 10-12 weeks NO multiple submissions, NO exceptions. Reprints accepted. Payment info... We pay $3.00* for each story accepted via PayPal. That's it. We are a brand new eBook-only publisher looking to get the name out there and get some quality releases under our belts without making the mistake of so many other small-press publishers and overdoing it in the beginning. We pay everyone once the anthology has been officially filled and proofed. If this is acceptable, kindly submit to us. * Our eBooks will generally sell for $2.99... we offer the $3.00 flat rate, but an author can earn royalties after each 150 eBooks sold as follows: ~ 1-149 eBooks sold = $3.00...