Dead Rush
Taking Submissions: Dead Rush
Dead Rush Deadline: February 28, 2012 Payment: $5.00 flat rate. $1.00 more for every 1,000 words over 5,000. Edited by Jessica A. Weiss Email submissions to: [email protected] Please put SUBMISSION, followed by the title of the story, and word count, in the subject line of your email. Thank you. What We Are Looking For: We want all your dead, dying, and undead horrible people and creatures shooting it out, drinking it up, and carrying on in the old west. Think John Wayne and then make it truly terrifying. This is not strictly a horror anthology, this can be any genre—required to include the old west. Don’t forget about the old miners saloons and taverns, and the old mining shafts. Prefer stories written in the third person—will consider first person if you knock our socks off. We prefer short stories in the 3,500- 7,000 word range, but will consider stories from 1,500-10,000 words. Submissions should: Already be self edited In .rtf format. No spaces between paragraphs Single space after sentences “Double quotations” for conversation No hard returns No headers/footers Use italics NOT underline No hidden formatting Font in Georgia or New Times Roman Submissions pasted in the body of email will be rejected, unread. Refer to website for general submission guidelines. Payment: $5.00 flat rate. $1.00 more for every 1,000 words over 5,000. Submissions will be accepted until February 28, 2012 (12a.m. EST) Questions about this anthology? Email the editor at [email protected]