Taking Submissions: Meetinghouse Magazine Volume 5
Meeting House MagazineDeadline: December 3rd, 2024 Payment: $40 for content published digitally, $100 for prose published in print, $50 for each poem published in print, and $100 per artwork published in print. Theme: Genre-bending & genre-blending stories Meetinghouse Magazine is in the process of soliciting writing for its fifth volume. We welcome all forms of writing, both creative and critical. Please see our submission policy and past online publications for guidance. We appreciate genre-bending & genre-blending. We believe trying and failing to work through difficult ideas and feelings is more worthwhile than staying comfortable in what you know. Asking questions is better than answering them. And we very badly want to be kind. Thank you for your interest in Meetinghouse and your commitment to maintaining the vibrancy of literary culture! All submissions will be considered for print and digital publication unless submitters request otherwise. the basics: We accept up to two pieces of prose, five poems, and five 2D artworks per submission. Please submit prose pieces as separate documents, poems in a single document, and visual pieces, including a list of works, in one document if possible. Please keep each submission under 7,500 words. Include a brief bio with your work. Please attach your submissions as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. Artwork will also be accepted as .png and .jpg. On very rare occasions do we accept previously published work. Please let us know if that is the case with your piece. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform us if your work is accepted elsewhere. We publish work in translation. Translators are responsible for acquiring author and publisher permissions. Authors retain the copyright to their work. We accept work by both published and previously unpublished authors. We can offer you some money: $40 for content published digitally, $100 for prose published...
Taking Submissions: A Coup Of Owls Spring 2025 Issue (Early Listing)
A Coup Of OwlsSubmission Window: December 1st – 7th, 2024 Payment: Drabbles and Flash – £5, Short Stories 1001 to 4000 words – £10, Short Stories 4001 to 8000 words – £15 Theme: Stories you’ve poured your soul into but haven’t been able to find the right home for. We do not have set issue themes but feel free to be inspired by the season, seasonal occasions and events. Note: Only publishes creators from under represented and/or marginalized communities. WE ONLY PUBLISH CREATORS FROM UNDER REPRESENTED AND/OR MARGINALISED BACKGROUNDS AND/OR COMMUNITIES We don’t ask for any proof, we take this on trust with the expectation that anyone not from a marginalised background or underrepresented community wouldn’t take up the space of someone who is. We ask you to consider this before submitting. QUARTERLY ONLINE ANTHOLOGY: BRIEF We’re looking for stories you’ve poured your soul into but haven’t been able to find the right home for. We’re looking for stories that make us feel something. Warmth, love, melancholy, rage. We want it all. All genres, styles and themes will be considered and we especially love stories that are outside the box in their telling. Ambiguous endings? Non-linear storytelling? Antagonist’s point-of-view? A story told in just one scene? We love it all. PLEASE NOTE: We will close submissions early if our cut off point is reached Quarterly Online Anthology Submission Schedule: December 1st – 7th (Spring Issue) or until we reach 70 submissions March 1st – 7th (Summer Issue) or until we reach 70 submissions June 1st – 7th (Autumn Issue) or until we reach 70 submissions September 1st – 7th (Winter Issue) or until we reach 70 submissions We do not have set issue themes but feel free to be inspired by the season, seasonal occasions and events. We are unlikely to publish stories...
Taking Submissions: Radon Journal January 2025 Issue
Radon JournalSubmission Window: August 16th - December 15th, 2024 Payment: Fiction: 2¢ per word for original, 1¢ per word for reprints. Poetry: $20 per original poem and $10 for reprints. Artwork: $100 for issue cover art, $30 for back cover art, and $20 for art used on our site Theme: Stories and poetry containing elements of science fiction, anarchism, transhumanism, or dystopia. Note: Reprints Welcome Radon welcomes short stories and poetry containing elements of science fiction, anarchism, transhumanism, or dystopia. We publish quality literature every mid-January, May, and September. Submissions are accepted year-round. Simultaneous submissions are welcome. Reprints accepted if writer has the rights. AI submissions are not allowed at Radon. Please click below to submit your work through our no-fee Submittable page: We kindly request a third-person bio that is 100-words or shorter in your cover letter.Author rights: For original work, Radon asks for first worldwide digital and print publication rights in English and non-exclusive archival rights. Authors published in Radon cannot be accepted into the issue immediately following, but may submit after this period. Our issue reading periods are: January: Aug. 16 - Dec. 15 May: Dec. 16 - April 15 September: April 16 - Aug. 15 Prose We accept flash fiction and short story submissions up to 3,000 words. Radon pays a semi-professional rate of 2¢ per word for original work and 1¢ for reprints. For quicker processing, please use a submission style similar to the modern manuscript format. We ask that you utilize single-spacing. Please note that we do not publish fantasy stories and are looking for work that includes leftist social commentary. Poetry Please submit up to five poems in a single Word document. There is no line limit. Radon pays a semi-professional rate of $20 per original poem and $10 for reprints.We request single-spaced formatting using a standard...
Taking Submissions: Pretend You Don’t See Her
Kandisha PressDeadline: December 15th, 2024 Payment: Royalties Theme: Horror stories written by women that focus on a women hiding her true form CALLING ALL WOMEN HORROR AUTHORS: WE ARE FINALLY DOING ANOTHER INSTALLMENT IN OUR #WomenOfHorror Anthology Series! ANTHOLOGY TITLE: PRETEND YOU DON’T SEE HER: Kandisha Press 2025 Women of Horror Anthology Description: The Invisible Woman: You barely notice her, sitting alone in the corner of the smoky bar. She walks through the streets at night, undetected until the moment she reveals her true self underneath that unremarkable form. Give us your shapeshifters, your werewolves, your witchy women, your wicked little creatures and demonic entities, all hiding in plain sight as harried housewives, college students, bartenders, business execs, Instagram influencers–ordinary, often forgotten ladies with dark secrets. Show yourselves! FORMAT: Open submissions and a few (limited) invites WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR: – 3000-5000 words maximum. – Please send in a word doc file in standard format – Reprints accepted – Yes – Simultaneous Submissions – No WHAT WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR: – No sexual assault, child abuse, animal abuse, or graphic sexual scenes. No hate toward any race, belief, sexual orientation, or gender. (You are absolutely free to discuss these themes but we do not want submissions that are pro-hate toward any group.) – No toilet humor or bodily functions whether human or animal. Just don’t do it. – We will not accept any stories created with the use of AI HOW TO SUBMIT: A panel of judges will be reading your stories through three rounds. – Note* please add this email to your address book so our response to your sub does not go to your spam folder. Send submissions to: [email protected] DEADLINE: December 15th, 2024 PUBLICATION DATE: TBA (2025) PAYMENT: – Royalties will be paid through either Pubshare. The exact amount depends on...
Taking Submissions: Eye to the Telescope #55
Eye to the TelescopeDeadline: December 15th, 2024 Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25 Theme: Speculative poems that utilize, interrogate, re-enchant, and abandon binary systems of all kinds Eye to the Telescope 55, (Non)Binaries, will be edited by Haley Bossé. Binary systems—be they of astronomical bodies, numerical values, or sociological categories like gender—exist to simplify the expression of complex ideas and existences. While sociological binary pairings like man and woman, human and animal, artificial and natural, forcibly categorize beings into absolute and unchanging opposites, binary pairings among astrological bodies mark the relationship between two bodies without insisting on their utter difference. Further, the Binary Number System seeks to represent the spectrum of non-infinite numbers using the least characters possible. How do these systems of categorization limit us? How does their rigid structure lead to new forms of expression and being For this issue, we seek speculative poems that utilize, interrogate, re-enchant, and abandon binary systems of all kinds. What cannot be binaried? What can be non-binaried? How can a binary representational system speak? How can binaries in science and beyond speak to our human experiences of existence? Show me lines of numbers and letters with surprising keys. Show me a binary that is true. Show me what leaks and flows from the broken sociological binary containers. Show me your (non)binaries. Submission Guidelines SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Use the form at https://bit.ly/SFPAettt55 to submit. Please submit 1–3 unpublished poems in English (ideally, attached as .docx or .txt) and include a short bio. Translations from other languages are acceptable with the permission of the original poet (unless public domain). Inquiries only to [email protected] with “ETTT” in the subject line. Deadline: December 15. The issue will appear on January 15, 2025. Payment and rights Accepted poems will be paid for at the following rate: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US...
Taking Submissions: Plott Hound Magazine December 2024 Window
Plott Hound MagazineSubmission Window: December 1st - 15th, 2024 Payment: 8 cents per word Theme: Speculative stories about animals where animals are the protagonists Note: Link to submit for Moksha will be available at the page linked at the bottom during the date range in the submission window above Submission Periods: The publishing schedule is quarterly/seasonly. Submission calls open at the start of each season, close in the middle of the first month for reading and responses, and issues aim to be released by the end of the season. Spring: March 1-March 15, 2025 Summer: June 1-June 15, 2025 Fall: September 1-September 15, 2025 Winter: December 1-December 15, 2025 Prose Submission Guidelines -Maximum word limit for original short fiction: 5000 words (sweet spot/preferred: 3000 – 4000 words) -Maximum word limit for original flash fiction: 999 words -Reprints: not accepted at this time -Pay rate: 8 cents/word -Format: Standard Manuscript Format. 12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, .doc or .docx files. Mailing address and phone number are not required on the header. -Simultaneous submissions are allowed! Just make sure to give us a howl if your submission has been accepted elsewhere before we make a decision on it. -Cover letter: include author name, name of submission, word count, publishing credits (if applicable), any experience pertinent to the story. (For example, if you are a marine biologist and your story features marine animals, do mention that!) Inclusion of content warnings is optional. Do not summarize your story; let the story speak for itself. –Plott Hound Magazine welcomes and encourages submissions from writers of all races, religion (creed), gender expression, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, disability, marital status, and military status. -Stories should be submitted through Moksha. Please do not submit through email or postal service. What We’re Looking For: -Stories with anthropomorphized animals as protagonists -Animal-centric speculative fiction (fantasy, science...
Taking Submissions: Vivid Worlds
The Slab PressSubmission Window: November 24th - December 15th, 2024 Payment: £50 Theme: Science-fiction/science-fantasy stories in the growing solar punk genre Vivid Worlds, to be published April 2025, will be an anthology of new short science-fiction/science-fantasy stories in the growing solar punk genre. We want you to tell us of futures in which we take our custodianship of the planet we call home seriously. Hopeful stories. What innovations can we bring forward to survive and thrive? We want colour, culture, and nature at the forefront of your stories. Submissions will open 24th November 2024 and will close at midnight on 15th December 2024, but please do submit early in the period if you can. Before this time, feel free to ask questions. Stories should aim to be 2-9000 words, and will be paid at 1p a word to a maximum of £50. Longer or shorter stories may be considered but will be a harder sell. FAQs: Please use standard manuscript formatting. Font TNR, Arial, Calibri, Garamond, or Calibri, 12 points. Double line spacing. Single spaces between words/following punctuation. Include page numbers in footers and name and title in headers. Also include a first page with name, title, word count. Use double quotation marks for speech. British English spelling preferred. Please send stories by email to donna at theslab dot press as an attachment. Include the word count, your name, and the title in the email too. Please include the anthology name and your name in the subject of the email. For example: Vivid Worlds STORY TITLE Joe Bloggs Reprints: No reprints from stories that have already been published in print in English, please, but stories translated into written English for the first time, or that have only been previously published in audio format are permitted. Simultaneous submissions and multiple submissions permitted. Via: The...
Taking Submissions: Latin American Shared Stories
Flame Tree PublishingDeadline: December 15th, 2024 Payment: 8 cents/6 pence per word. Theme: A story that, at its core it is likely to concern, celebrate or give agency to Latin American characters and issues We're delighted to let you know this new call for submissions is open! Please read through the submission details carefully as we’ve changed some of our guidelines and it could result in your submission not being acknowledged if you do not follow them. Latin American Shared Stories Submissions are now open for stories to be included in a new title in our gorgeous Beyond & Within series, which will be a selection of speculative stories highlighting the many voices, mythologies, folklore and storytelling prowess of authors from Latin American countries or writing in the traditions of the Latin American diaspora. Edited by the wonderful V. Castro, Mexican-American speculative, horror and sci-fi writer extraordinaire and author of Mestiza Blood and The Queen of the Cicadas, up to 4 stories will be selected from the open submissions and will have the distinction of accompanying stories and essays from authors such as J.F. Gonzalez, Myriam Gurba, David Bowles, Richie Narvaez, Rios de La Luz, Monique Quintana and Daniel Olivas. Your story can be anything from a tale in the style of traditional oral storytelling, emphasizing heritage and ancestors, to one that imagines new worlds and futures, but at its core it is likely to concern, celebrate or give agency to Latin American characters and issues. Submit to: [email protected] Terms: Multiple submissions are fine but must be in separate emails. Simultaneous submissions are fine but you must have the right to license your story in an anthology. Please only submit unpublished/original/new stories for consideration. Reprints will not be accepted for consideration. For accepted stories we pay Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) rates of 8 cents/6 pence per word. We...
Taking Submissions: Book Worms Horror Zine Issue #7
Book WormsDeadline: December 15th, 2024 Payment: 8 cents a word for fiction and essays (1500 words or less). $25 for short poems (ten lines or less), $50 for longer poems. Includes one contributor copy. Theme: Space and Science Fiction Horror (must have horror elements, not just sci-fi.) Seeking original short stories, essays, and poems for our Winter 2025 issue. THEME: Space and Science Fiction Horror (must have horror elements, not just sci-fi.) DEADLINE: December 15, 2024 PAYMENT: 8 cents a word for fiction and essays (1500 words or less). $25 for short poems (ten lines or less), $50 for longer poems. Includes one contributor copy. No reprints or multiple submissions, please. Exclusive rights for six months after publication. ACCEPTING MAIL-IN SUBMISSIONS ONLY! Mail your submissions to: La Regina Studio/Grundy Commons/925 Canal Street/Bristol, PA 19007 Decision notices are sent through email so there is no need to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Please include your email address with your submission. All submissions must be typed (cover letters preferred but not mandatory) and be properly formatted. Frequently Asked Question: What kind of stories are you looking for? We generally enjoy “fun”, “80s style” horror reminiscent of the zine’s old-school vibe, but we’ve also been blown away by fresh voices that take the genre in a new direction. That being said, the best chance for your story being accepted by Book Worms is to follow the submission guidelines. Make sure your story is of the horror genre, mail in your submission versus email, meet the deadline, and don’t exceed the word count limit. And if your story doesn’t make it, please keep trying. We’ve had to turn down many excellent stories due to space constraints alone. A good way to get an idea about what we’re looking for is to read our current issue or one of our back issues that are still...
Taking Submissions: Once Upon a Moonless Night
The Brothers UberDeadline: December 16th, 2024 Payment: 5 cents per word Theme: Suspenseful stories about what goes bump in the night It’s the fear—not of the dark—but rather what lurks in the dark. The terror that the mind can feel, but cannot see. The whisper on the wind, heard but not understood. The ephemeral mist that curls around your legs and sends chills deep into your bones. You know that you shouldn’t go out in the night, shouldn’t heed its seductive call. Night after night the darkness beckons. You know that one day soon you’ll lose your resolve, give in, and become the darkness. There’ll be no going back once you do. These are the tales whispered in dark corners. Of good people pushed too far. Stories of revenge and redemption for past wrongdoings. Stories that excite the mind where what seems to be true isn’t always the case. Dark, foreboding, full of suspense, can you weave the story of what happens during the moonless night? Submission Guidelines for Once Upon a Moonless Night All genres welcome. Submissions must be all ages appropriate. Original, never before published content (no reprints) Submissions are to be 250-15,000 words Standard manuscript format (https://www.shunn.net/format/classic/) No AI generated work No simultaneous submissions Period of exclusivity until three months past publication Author grants non-exclusive global, English language hardcover, paperback, eBook, and audiobook licenses in perpetuity for use of the work in the anthology “Once Upon a Moonless Night.” Those authors whose stories are selected for inclusion within “Once Upon a Moonless Night” will receive a complimentary copy of the book, access to a special author discount rate for copies of the book, and paid at a rate of $0.05 per word, maximum payout of $400 (submissions longer than 8,000 words will only be paid for 8,000 words)....