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Taking Submissions: Translunar Travelers Lounge
October 15, 2019
Deadline: October 15th, 2019
Payment: 3 cents per word
We are open for submissions from March 15th through April 15th for our August issue, and from September 15th through October 15th for our February issue.
Broadly defined, the type of fiction we are looking for is “fun”. Yes, that descriptor is highly subjective, and ultimately it comes down to the personal preferences of the editors. However, here are a few road signs to get you started on the path into our hearts.
A fun story, at its core, is one that works on the premise that things aren’t all bad; that ultimately, good wins out. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your story has to be silly or lighthearted (though it certainly can be). Joy can be made all the more powerful when juxtaposed against tragedy. In the end, though, there should be hope, and we want stories that are truly fun for as many different kinds of people as possible.
As we are a speculative fiction market, all stories must have a speculative element to them. We accept stories of no more than 5,000 words.
Swashbuckling adventure, deadly intrigue, and gleeful romance are some of the most obvious examples of what we’re looking for, but we won’t say no to more subtle or complicated topics, as long as they fit under the wider “fun” umbrella.
We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE submissions from authors of marginalized ethnicities, sexualities, genders, abilities and perspectives. If you are an author whose experience is not often represented, we absolutely want to hear from you. YES, YOU. If you’re comfortable sharing this information with us in your cover letter, please do.
What we’re enthusiastic about:
- Characters of all genders and sexualities or lack thereof
- Settings in non-Western cultures
- Friendship
- Happy marriages
- Stories that pass the Bechdel test and/or the Mako Mori test
- Afrofuturism
- Neurodivergent characters
- Characters with disabilities
What we’re NOT looking for:
- Pedophilia and rape, especially stories that glorify those things or use them as cheap ways of sidelining female characters.
- Violence is okay, but torture is not. In other words, the violence should serve the story, not BE the story.
- Similarly, sex is okay, but erotica is not.
- No fanfiction.
- No revenge fantasies against shrewish, nagging wives and girlfriends.
- No stories about how humanity is basically terrible.
- No works previously published in English. This includes anything that has been published on your own website. In other words, we don’t accept reprints.
- No simultaneous submissions.
- No stories that we’ve already rejected unless we specifically request a rewrite.
If you’re not sure if your story is what we’re looking for, please send it to us and let us decide! DON’T SELF REJECT.
Please send ONE submission per open period to translunartravelerslounge AT gmail DOT com. Use the email header SUBMISSION: Story Title by Author Name. Otherwise, odds are good your submission will get sucked into a black hole of spam never to be seen again.
Send us your story in Standard Manuscript Format, saved as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf. A friendly cover letter is always appreciated but you don’t need to write us a novel. If you have a pen name, please include it, and feel free to give your top TWO OR THREE writing credits.
Translunar Travelers Lounge is co-edited by Ms. Aimee Ogden and Mx. Bennett North. Feel free to just address your email to “Dear Editors,” but if you decide to use our names, we would appreciate if you mention both of us, since this magazine is a joint effort.
You should hear from us within sixty days after the submission period has closed. If you haven’t, please query ASAP at the above address, using the email header QUERY: Story Title by Author Name.
Pay is $0.03 USD per word with a minimum payment of $20 in exchange for first world electronic rights. We also ask for an exclusivity period of 3 months from publication date.