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Taking Submissions: Strangely Funny III
October 31, 2015
Submission Window: October 1-31, 2015
Payment: $5USD advance followed by 35% – split between the contributors
It’s baaaaaaaaaaaaack! Our annual collection of funny paranormal stories. Story must be funny and have supernatural/paranormal elements. Previous published stories include a farting contest with the Boogeyman, a Shriner who becomes a weregoat, and a hoarding intervention at the home of a wizard.
Story length should be 2000-6000 words. If you sub something longer than that, it’d better be really funny or you need to be Stephen King. Our submission window is October 1-31, 2015. Please do not sub sooner because there’s a 90% chance it won’t get read till October anyway and could get buried under other emails. Publication of SF3 should be in spring 2016 (note the use of ‘should’ here).
Mystery and Horror is a market that welcomes LBGTQ, multiethnic, multinational, nontraditional, and unusual fiction. We are concerned with well-written stories involving well-developed characters.
We only accept e-submissions – nothing in print. Our formatting requests are below. Note that 5 and 6 are extra important.
1) Your submission should be an attachment to your email in RTF or DOC format, .JPG for artwork (black and white only, except for book covers).
2) Submission text should be black in color and only use one font and one size print – preferably 12-point Times New Roman.
3) The text should be single spaced.
4) An extra line should only be inserted between scenes – not individual paragraphs.
5) Indents should be a single tab – no hitting the spacebar. Spacing doesn’t work with our formatting process, and Sarah will send it back to YOU to fix if she likes the story.
6) Double quote marks (” “) for speech, not single.
7) One space only between sentences.
8) Please, no headers or footers.
Rights We Ask For, and Their Implications (the small print):
For published pieces in anthologies, we ask for exclusive first world print and electronic publication rights in English, lasting for 12 months after the date of publication. All rights revert back to the author after that time.
Please note that most publications will not publish pieces that have already been published once in print, eBook, or on the web, so for all intents and purposes after your work is published by us it can only be marketed as a reprint. This will severely limit the number of markets that will accept it, and drastically reduces the pay rate it can receive. It is up to you, the author, to decide if publishing your work in print and/or eBook formats and/or on the web, giving up your First Publishing Right for a token payment, is really what you want to do.
Royalties and Discounts on Copies (aka the really small print):
Anthologies: Royalties for anthologies will be paid on a pro rata basis among its contributors. We pay an advance royalty of $5.00 USD to anthology authors for their trouble. We will not send another check until the advance is paid and the new royalties add up to $3.00 USD minimum.
Royalty rate for Anthologies:
35% – split between the contributors
Hard covers and trade paperbacks are considered two different books for accounting.
Via: Mystery and Horror LLC.