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Taking Submissions: Samjoko Magazine
July 15, 2022
Deadline: July 15th, 2022
Payment: $20
Theme: No set theme
Submissions now OPEN for the Summer Issue I until 2022/07/15.
$20 USD if accepted, paid through Paypal only.
We have no specific aesthetic. Read Spring Issue I and Winter Issue I to get an idea of what we publish.
Samjoko purchases first worldwide English-language serial and electronic rights from the date the contract is signed and paid for up until 4 months after publication date.
Bear in mind that most publications will not publish pieces that have been published in print, eBook, or on the web, so for all intents and purposes after your work is published by us it can only be marketed as a reprint, which severely limits the number of markets that will accept it, and drastically reduces the pay rate it can receive. It is up to you, the author, to decide if publishing your work in print and/or eBook formats and/or on the web, giving up your First Publishing Right for a token payment, is really what you want to do.
After initial publication date, Samjoko Magazine will maintain non-exclusive rights to publication. Paid submissions must not use the intellectual property of any other author or company.
Just To Clarify: your work will not appear, and will not have appeared, in any other available format (blogs and public forums included) until 3 months after the release date of the story in Samjoko Magazine. After 3 months, we’ll retain ongoing non-exclusive distribution rights, but you can self-publish your work or sell your story to another paying market.
Each piece we acquire will be published on samjokomagazine.com in an electronic seasonal issue. We may also excerpt pieces for promotional purposes. The author retains all other rights.
We pay up to 4 months after publication through PayPal only. Payment projected to happen sooner. Current payment is $20 per accepted submission, though we hope to increase this with greater support from readers.
Feel free to query after 2 months of submitting. Cover letter should have contact information, PayPal email, and author’s bio less than 100 words. Email subject should read: [SUBMISSION: Title of Story (word count) by Author’s Name]
Example – SUBMISSION: The Grey Wolf (3200) by Lauren Hill
See below for detailed submission guidelines.
All submissions accepted for publication will undergo an editing process. If you are uncomfortable with that, please don’t submit.
Notification of receipt and rejections will be form letters to save time.
There will be no personal responses except in the case of general queries and acceptances.
Fiction Guidlines
$20 per accepted story between 1000-4000 words. Story format should be Times New Roman, 12” Font, Double Spaced. Special formatting will not be accepted. Name and contact information should be clearly placed on submission. No previously published submissions nor multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions welcomed but please let us know as soon as possible when a story is accepted elsewhere.
Send file as .doc or .docx only. No PDFs. All submissions accepted for publication will undergo an editing process.
Non-Fiction & Articles Guidelines
$20 per accepted piece between 1000-4000 words. Format should be Times New Roman, 12” Font, Double Spaced. Special formatting will not be accepted. Name and contact information should be clearly placed on submission. No previously published submissions nor multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions welcomed but please let us know as soon as possible when a story is accepted elsewhere.
Send file as .doc or .docx only. No PDFs. All submissions accepted for publication will undergo an editing process.
Poetry Guidelines
$20 payment in total for up to 3 poems. Submit 1-5 poems and the best 3 will be selected. Three to fifty lines per poem. Special formatting will not be accepted except in rare circumstances. All poems will be left-aligned or centered. Name and contact information should be clearly placed on submission. No previously published submissions. Simultaneous submissions welcomed but please let us know as soon as possible when a story is accepted elsewhere.
Send file as .doc or .docx only. No PDFs. All submissions accepted for publication will undergo an editing process.
Screenplays & Plays
$20 per accepted piece between 10-20 pages. Name and contact information should be clearly placed on submission. No previously published submissions nor multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions welcomed but please let us know as soon as possible when a story is accepted elsewhere.
Send file as .doc or .docx only. No PDFs. All submissions accepted for publication will undergo an editing process.
Photos & Artwork
$20 in total per photo, artwork, or collection of photos up to 3 images. No previously published submissions. Simultaneous submissions welcomed.
Via: Samjoko Magazine.