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Taking Submissions: NonBinary Review #21 The Works of H. G. Wells
April 22, 2019
Deadline: April 22nd, 2019
Payment: 1 cent per word for fiction, $10 for poetry
Note: Reprints Allowed
NonBinary Review is a quarterly digital literary journal that joins poetry, fiction, essays, and art around each issue’s theme. We invite authors to explore each theme in any way that speaks to them: re-write a familiar story from a new point of view, mash genres together, give us a personal essay about some aspect of our theme that has haunted you all your life. We also invite art that will accompany the literature. All submissions must have a clear and obvious relationship to some specific aspect of the source text (a character, episode, or setting). Submissions only related by a vague, general, thematic similarity are unlikely to be accepted.
We are open to submissions which relate to four of H. G. Wells’s best-known books: The Time Machine (1895), The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897), and The War of the Worlds (1898). Please bear in mind that we’re looking for pieces that relate to the BOOKS ONLY. References to movies or television shows will not be accepted.
Submissions which do not tie into the plots or make use of characters/settings from the books WILL NOT be considered—there needs to be a clear connection to the source material.
We want language that makes us reach for a dictionary or a tissue or both. Words in combinations and patterns that leave the faint of heart a little dizzy.
NonBinary Review accepts fiction and creative non-fiction of up to 5,000 words in length, although shorter is probably better. Fiction should be double spaced, 12-point type, in Times New Roman or similar font in a Word document or text file. We do not accept .pdfs. Authors may submit up to 5 pieces of flash fiction, no more than 1000 words each, in this category. Please upload each piece as a separate document on this submission. Flash (fiction or CNF) is the ONLY category where multiple pieces related to the same theme may be selected for publication.
NonBinary Review accepts poetry of up to 3 pages in length. Poetry should be single spaced, 12-point type, in Times New Roman or similar font in a Word document or text file. We do not accept .pdfs. You may submit up to five files with this submission, but each poem must be submitted as a separate document.
We prefer high-resolution images in JPEG, PDF, TIFF, GIF or PNG format. Visual art must be related to each issue’s theme and please attach only one file at a time. Each file must be accompanied by the artist’s bio and an artist’s statement, which should be submitted as a Word document or text file, double spaced, 12-point type, in Times New Roman or similar font.
Your 50-word bio should be included in your cover letter. If your bio is longer than 50 words, it WILL be edited for length if your piece is selected. You may submit more than one piece, but each piece must be submitted as a separate document. A high-quality headshot (preferably not a selfie or out-of-focus photo) should also accompany your submission, although if you prefer not to include a photo of yourself, you may include any image you feel is emblematic of you.
NonBinary Review pays 1 cent per word for fiction and nonfiction, and a flat fee of $10 for poetry (singular poems or a suite) and $25 per piece of visual art, payable upon receipt of the signed publication contract. In return, we ask for worldwide serial rights and electronic publishing rights. NonBinary Review accepts previously published work as long as the original publication is clearly credited. All contributors will receive a complimentary .pdf copy of the issue in which their work appears.
If you are interested in your work appearing in our podcast, indicate in your submission that you are willing to appear in Alphanumeric. Pieces chosen for Alphanumeric will be recorded and be featured on our website as well as being included in the issue. Alphanumeric pays a flat fee of $15 per piece regardless of genre or length, and adheres to the same theme and style conventions as the current reading period for NonBinary Review. All contributors will receive a complimentary .pdf copy of the issue in which their work appears.
Submissions not related to this issue’s theme will be deleted unread.
Via: NonBinary Review’s Submittable.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!