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Taking Submissions: New Tales of the Old Ones
September 9, 2011
New Tales of the Old Ones
Deadline: September 9th, 2011
Payment: Contributor’s Copy
Publisher: KnightWatch Press
Edited by: Michael C Dick
Release Date: TBA
One of the greatest universes ever to be created in the realms of horror was by the pen of Lovecraft and in honour of him and his works we are opening an anthology of NEW stories based in that universe.
What we want:
We are looking for short fiction horror stories between 6,000 and 10,000 words pertaining to the ‘Lovecraft/Cthulhu Mythos’ theme of the book. Any plot that is horror themed and involving the universe created by Lovecraft including his characters and locations (BUT MUST NOT BE WEAK COPIES OF HIS STORIES, Acording to Arkham House (the holders of the Lovecraft copyrights) their official policy is that, It is perfectly fine to use characters, places, etc. This helps keep the Mythos alive, and new writers in its ranks. The only ‘rule’ is this: be sure your stories are original, and not just rips of original tales!) is acceptable except for sexual content including but not limited to rape, and of torture of any kind.
What rights do we want?
First publishing rights (both print and digital). Reprint will be considered on a one by one basis.
The right to use the story for as long as there is demand for the book, the right to edit each story for any missed grammatical errors, and the right to use parts of the book and the author’s name for promotion. You will keep all other rights and can republish the story anytime you choose.
What you get:
All authors will receive a copy of the book as payment.
How your stories should be sent:
All entries MUST be a .doc file. The text must be 12pt Garamond single spaced please indent paragraphs with one hit on the tab key.
Emails with submissions sent in any other format will be replied with a request to convert the file into a .doc format.
Title, Author’s Name, Word Count, and Author’s Email MUST be on the first page of the document.
The stories should be edited to the best of your ability but they will be looked over for any missed grammatical errors.
The story should be single-spaced with as little formatting as possible.
Where to send it:
Send all submissions via email [email protected] with the subject line “OLD ONES Submission: Title of story”
When to send it by:
Deadline for submission is Friday 9th September, 2011. We will take all entries and choose the best of the bunch for publication! Successful contributors will be informed not before the deadline and please allow 30 days read time after that date (but will do ourt best to make it as fast as possible)
Submissions are open to EVERYONE so take this opportunity to try for the first time or write for the hundredth time!!
If you have ANY questions at all, Email [email protected].
[via: Knightwatch Press.]