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Taking Submissions: King David & the Spiders from Mars
January 31, 2012
King David & the Spiders from Mars
Deadline: January 31st, 2012
Payment: $50 advance against equal share of royalties – to be paid out no later than publication.
Due to the positive response to She Nailed a Stake Through His Head: Tales of Biblical Terror, I will be editing another Bible-themed anthology. Tentatively titled King David & The Spiders from Mars: More Tales of Biblical Terror, this will be a Bible-themed horror anthology specifically based on The Book of Samuel. Some of my favorite stories from the first anthology were David centered including Elissa Malcohn’s “Judgement at Naioth” and Christi Krug’s “As If Favorites of Their God.”
What I’m Looking For: Short stories, ideally between 1000-12000 words. All stories must be based in some way on the book of Samuel (usually edited to be 1 & 2) which is the story about how Israel transitioned from a Judge based society to a kingdom under King David. Even though this is primarily a horror anthology, I’m willing to look at stories that fall into different categories including bizarro, science fiction, fantasy, literary and romance (although if you write a romance between Tamar and Amnon, I’m going to be worried about you and not in a good way). There are several stories within Samuel including the madness of Saul, the end of Eli’s family as the major priesthood, David & Goliath and the death of Absalom so feel free to use whatever inspires you. Also, even though the Book of Ruth is a completely different book, it serves as a prequel to the David saga so if you got a great Ruth story, I will read it.
Check out this Amazon List for reading suggestions. Please at least read the book of Samuel once to get the flavor of the stories. If you only know the story of David & Goliath, you will be at a disadvantage since that’s the most popular story in the bunch and you will have a lot of competition.
Also, if you are going to do a David & Goliath story read the original. This is a much more interesting story than the children’s books would have you believe and all that “come from behind victory” blather is inaccurate (not to mention boring as hell).
Other Suggestions:
Retellings of Biblical Stories from the perspective of another character.
Kiastic Storytelling
Deconstructionist Commentary akin to Rashi
Biblical stories retold in different literary styles (high adventure, Victorian, Romance, Mystery, etc.)
Modern stories told in the Biblical style (Best use Robert Alter’s Art of Biblical Poetry and Art of Biblical Narrative if you want a crash course)
Parodies of Prophets
“Queen Esther vs. The Brain Eating Penis Monster from Outer Space” (note that just sticking this title on a lame story is not going to endear you to me. Write a story that would justify this kind of title and I’m interested)
Biblical Movie Parodies
I am also impressed by the following: original takes on classic stories, strong female characters, stories that actually understand the original tales, style.
Formatting Guidelines: Please use Standard Manuscript format. I am going to be a little more hard on people not using this format since the last time I had stories where I couldn’t get back to the writers because they neglected to put their emails on the stories so I had no way of knowing how to tell them that they were rejected. One even made it to the Maybe pile. Please submit in .rtf or .doc.
What I am not Looking For:I have a blog post for the first Bible anthology where I go off on the “do not want” list. It basically comes down to “no preachiness” which is the major pitfall for people tackling these kind of stories. I don’t want a story with an agenda – whether it’s atheist, Christian or Jewish. I am not interested in other stories in the Bible. Do not set a Sodom & Gomorrah story in San Francisco. Do not send poetry. Do not retell a Bible story from a character’s perspective that adds absolutely nothing to the narrative. In the last anthology, I got a bunch of stories that had to stop to tell me that “Jesus is love” but since this one is about King David, I figure there will be less of those in this slush pile. Still, don’t do that.
Also note that all snotty replies to rejections will be aired publicly on this blog and mocked mercilessly.
Pay: $50 advance against equal share of royalties – to be paid out no later than publication.
Reading Period: November 1, 2011 – January 31, 2012. All stories submitted before November 1 will be deleted unread. Although that’s the best case scenario. If I do read them I will mock them on this blog. I am using a three month window as well as waiting until November 1 because I don’t want trunk stories and I doubt anyone has been submitting their awesome King David Rips Off Foreskins story to markets until now. This gives you time to write an original story and send it by November 1 or to spend about 4 months perfecting it until it’s ready at the end of January.
Reprints. Yes. Same price. Make sure you tell me where it was originally published and that it is available for reprint right sales.
Send to: timlieder1 – at – gmail.com
[via: Marlowe’s LJ.]