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Taking Submissions: Hoosier Noir
September 13, 2020
Deadline: September 13th, 2020
Payment: $15 ($10 for Flash fiction) & one contributor copy
Theme: Gritty, well written short stories. All stories must involve an Indiana crime or Hoosiers involved in a crime.
Hoosier Noir is seeking gritty, well written short stories. All stories must involve an Indiana crime or Hoosiers involved in a crime. All stories should be 2,000 to 5,000 words. We’re also accepting flash fiction with a max of 1,000 words.
Please, put your name and the title of your story in the subject line. Include a cover letter in the body of the email as well as a brief (100 word) third-person biography. No reprints. Please, proofread your work.
No simultaneous submissions.
Allow up to 3 to 4 weeks after the end of the posted reading period before querying about the status of your submission. Send your story in standard manuscript format, double spaced as an attached Microsoft Word document (.doc or .rtf) to hoosiernoir (at) gmail (dot) com.
Rights: Hoosier Noir claims the following publication rights: First English-language Rights, English-language Periodical Rights, World Periodical Rights, and Electronic Distribution Rights. All rights revert back to the author six months after initial publication.
Payment: Each selected author will receive a payment of $15 ($10 for Flash fiction) & one contributor copy.
Submissions will close September 13th 2020 at midnight.
Submissions for our 4:20 Noir (Special Issue) Open September 15th 2020. This will not be limited to Indiana Crime Fiction. We are looking for your best marijuana related crime fiction. All regular submissions guidelines and payment details remain the same.
Via: First City Books.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!