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Taking Submissions: From the Depths: Fall Issue 2012
August 31, 2012
Deadline: August 31st, 2012
Payment: Exposure Only
Theme: “Horror: Dark & Dreadful”
Media: Electronic/Digital
Publication Date: September 2012
Deadline: August 31, 2012
“Bring on the strange, the twisted, and the bizarre. We are looking for stories and poetry that will make us want to sleep with the lights on. Psychological thrillers, bedtime stories for very bad children, and unusually likable anti-heroes are sure to please. Pretty vampires need not apply. Give us the grim, the dark, and the seriously creepy….just scare us already!”
Haunted Water Press is currently seeking works of prose, creative nonfiction and poetry for the Fall 2012 issue of our quarterly literary journal, From the Depths. We are looking for short stories of 3500 words or less, flash fiction of any length, creative nonfiction of 1500 words or less, and poetry. Selected works may also appear as part of our online literary content.
Submissions will be accepted through our ONLINE SUBMISSIONS MANAGER. We accept multiple submissions but request that you have no more than four submissions pending. Please no simultaneous submissions. Your four submissions may be in any combination of prose, creative nonfiction or poetry. If you use Duotrope, we request that you report each individual work submitted. Authors receive exposure only, no monetary payment.
Please review our Submission Guidelines prior to submitting for details on formatting your submission.
[via: Haunted Waters press.]