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Taking Submissions: Elegant Literature: Killer Instinct
August 31, 2022
Deadline: August 31st, 2022
Payment: 10 cents per word, $200 for artwork
Theme: Killer Instinct
Note: There is ALSO a contest with the same theme that pays $3,000 though that one is a pay-to-play scenario.
Do you feel safe? Do you believe doors and locks will protect you? They won’t, but lies are necessary to distract us from the terrifying truth – killers are everywhere.
Life is full of danger. The wilds are home to fearsome predators. Sharks smell blood, and other territorial animals will rend you with tooth and claw for the misfortune of crossing their path. But urban spaces might just kill you quicker. Humans have the propensity to kill one another six times higher than the average mammal. Born killers and those brought to it by chance and fate, the true predators of the world wear familiar faces. Sharp teeth lurk behind kind smiles and watchful eyes. History is full of atrocities and bloodshed, and stories of our future suggest more to come. Even good people suffer intrusive thoughts, visualizing horrendous acts for a split second before recoiling. Beware strangers, but keep a closer eye on friends.
Via: Theme: Contest Guidelines, Rules: Submission Guidelines.