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Taking Submissions: From Out Of The Dark
October 31, 2014
Deadline: October 31st, 2014
Payment: $75 per story and a print copy of the book (Not clarified if USD or AUD)
Horror from the emptiness of the space between the galaxies
Robert N Stephenson, Editor
Altair Australia Publishing
‘From Out of the Dark’
PO Box 475
Blackwood SA 5051
Subject explanation:
- I am seeking short stories to a maximum length of 10 000 words with a minimum length of 5 000. All stories are to he set in the gap between galaxies, the immense darkness of space and all the frightening aspects and contemplation of billions of light years of unseeable entities can bring. These are not just first encounter ideas as the bent is strong horror memes within science fiction framing. This is not horror added the SF or SF added to horror by slight of hand. What is required is a true as possible journey into a place we cannot and will never imagine outside of telescopes and maths. This is science fiction, so no fantasy worlds please. Space ships and rays guns are fine, but if I spot a dragon I might not reply.
- From Out of the Dark requires some deep thinking and frightful manipulations of emotion and events to create fiction that can cause a sweat and a gasp for air lost to vacuum.
- There are no entry fees, no costs other than postage if using mail or a few nips on your bandwidth if emailing. Please, no queries, you either understand what is being asked or you don’t. I will be able to read if you do not get what is being sought after here.
- The editor is me, Robert N Stephenson, I am an award winning author of several novels and non fiction/fiction collections with over 100 published short stories. I have edited over 30 full length novels for publishers as well as edited Altair Magazine for 3 years as well as several anthologies in SF and Horror. Altair Australia Publishing has published 23 titles in all and there has been a 4 year gap between publication of the last one until now. I don’t like to edit hard, but if I do find something that could aid in the end product I will suggest and encourage you to consider and apply.
- The anthology open date started a couple of weeks ago, but things have been hectic and I have only now formulated the guidelines, but the closing date is October 31st 2014. I will be buying stories as I go along so don’t wait until the last minute to submit, I will be filling this work as fast as possible and with the best available before or on that deadline.
- Rights first time world print rights and first time world digital rights (print ebook – kindle) Rights expiry of individual stories end after 12 months from actual publication date. The book and ebook will remain on sale in its designated form for a while, quite a while I hope.
- Words required 5 000 to 10 000
- Payment $75 per story and a print copy of the book.
- Royalties selling price through amazon etc will be at a cost price and no earnings will be made from the sale of these books. If Possible the ebook will be free of charge, but sometimes amazon requires a 99 cent payment so they get their cut. The aim of the book is to get out there widely and quickly, highlighting the great work of authors. The $75 payment may not be a great payment, but I am not earning anything from the books sales and am personally contributing all payment money. Money paid on acceptance, not on publication as most collection are. While the print date is set for late December please note delays can occur due to my own work commitments and project deadlines.
- Contract will be a simple email acceptance, an ‘on trust’ arrangement. If you are prepared to break that trust then no written contract would be of value.
- Submission details
- Postal Mail to Altair Australia Publishing, ‘From Out of the Dark’, PO Box 475, Blackwood SA 5051, Australia
- E-mail to
- Reply = As soon as capable given the editor’s own limited times. It is hoped no longer than 12 weeks waiting time. No posted MS will be returned, so do supply email address for rejection/acceptance.
- DEADLINE – 31 October 2014
Via Altair