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Taking Submissions: Dark Warrior Publishing Fantasy Issue
November 30, 2015
Deadline: November 30th, 2015
Payment: 1% royalties for a year and a digital copy.
For our Fantasy issue we are looking for serious fantasy. If you want to write about elves for instance, we are more likely to accept a story about the kind you’d find in middle earth rather than the north pole. Dark fantasy will have an easier time being accepted, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be horror to be dark, there is a difference between grim and gruesome. Also, don’t misinterpret serious to say we aren’t interested in humor, but the jokes and quips need to be ‘part’ of the story and not the ‘point’ of the story.
We are flexible about sub-genre, but it should be fantasy primarily.
Some examples of the type of fantasy we like are found in the works of Terry Brooks, J. R. R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, and Jonathen Moeller, among many others.
Overall we like quality fiction that tells a good story and takes us to amazing and mystical worlds.
If in doubt, go ahead and send it to us. At worst we’ll reject your story and at best we’ll accept it.
We are currently accepting short stories for our yearly anthology and illustrations for an anthology contest.
If you wish for us to review one of your published ebooks for promotion on this sight, please refer to the bottom of this page.
Short Stories: To be included in our annual anthology
Payment: 1% royalties for a year and a digital copy.
Word count: 2,500 – 7,000
(5,000 is preferred)
Submission Window: October 1 – Nov. 30th
Projected publication date: January
Please follow these guidelines when submitting
(Failure to comply may result in your story being deleted without being read)
- Standard Manuscript Formatting
- We do accept multiple submissions, but we only publish one story per author, per magazine.
- No simultaneous submissions
- We accept reprints (Just give us a brief publishing history of the story, where and when it was published.)
If you have followed the above guidelines and feel your story is ready for us to read then email it to [email protected] with Fantasy: [Story Title] in the subject line.
What we will not consider in stories:
-Sexual Content
-Excessive Swearing
-Over the top gore
(As a rule of thumb the magazine operates under a PG-13 style rating. We do this in order to publish quality fiction that can appeal to almost any reader without causing offense)
Rights: Exclusive electronic rights for six months after the anthology’s publication, after that we ask for non-exclusive rights and you’re allowed to resubmit it elsewhere, but it will be considered a reprint so keep that in mind as some publications don’t accept reprints.
(We may also request additional rights in the future, such as print, audio, etc. this is not mandatory for acceptance in the anthology)
If you have questions about anything, please feel free to send us an email at [email protected]. Please put Fantasy Query in the subject line.
Illustrations: To become the cover art for our annual anthology and adorn our website.
Payment: 1% royalties for a year and a digital copy
Submission Window: May 1st – July 31st
Art Style: We are looking for professional looking art for the cover of our anthology. We will only accept finished, full color images.
(If in doubt, we want something similar to what you’d find on the front of a book by a popular fiction author)
Please follow these guidelines when submitting
- PNG format is preferable, though we may accept JPEG
- 1600 x 2400 pixels (1600 for the width and 2400 for the height)
- Saved with 72 DPI
If you have followed the above guidelines and feel your art is ready for us to see then email it to [email protected] with Fantasy Art: [Name of work] in the subject line.
Rights Desired: One year exclusive for the anthology and website, with nonexclusive rights indefinitely for the anthology after the year.
We will not accept images containing:
Adult Content
Excessive Gore
Depictions of Rape or other Abuse
If you have any questions or problems please send us an email at [email protected] and we will make arrangements with you.
Reviews: To be included in our Recommended Reading page.
We will only post ebook reviews and links on our site that we feel would interest our readers. If we feel your ebook needs further work or if it simply isn’t our taste, we will send you an email informing you of our thoughts. If you would rather we didn’t publicize our opinion of your ebook you can request us to not do so.
(We understand that writing is a skill to be developed; not everyone will produce perfect work and we feel they shouldn’t be punished for trying. We provide our honest opinion not to be mean, but so the author will know how to improve and grow so their next ebook can be better)
Submission Window: Year round
Submission Guidelines:
- Send us a PDF version in an email
(If you wish us to leave a review at a retailer site, you must either gift us a copy from the site or provide us with sufficient funding to purchase the ebook) - Send submissions to [email protected]
- In the subject line put Fantasy Review: [Title of ebook] [Name of Author]
- In the body of the email, please write a simple cover letter with a short blurb about the book and a brief bio about you, the author.
(If you wish us to review your ebook at an online retailer, please inform us in your cover letter and we’ll make arrangements with you on how to proceed)
Via: Dark Warrior Publishing.