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Taking Submissions: Tomorrow’s Cthulhu
April 1, 2015
Deadline: April 1st, 2015
Payment: 6 cents per word through 4000 words
Super science. Madness. Transhumanism.
Some things can’t be unlearned. This is the dawn of posthumanity.
Gleaming labs whir with the hum of servers as scientists unravel the secrets of the universe. But as we peel away mysteries, the universe looks back at us. Even now, terrors rise from the Mariana Trench and drift down from the stars. Scientists are disappearing—or worse. Eldritch algorithms are erected as countermeasures. Experiments take on minds of their own. Some fight back against the unknown, some give in, some are destroyed, and still others are becoming… more. The human and inhuman are harder and harder to distinguish. Mankind is changing, whether it wants to or not, using implants, chemical alterations, genetic manipulation, new senses that man did not evolve to process, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, drugs—brand new ways of thinking.
Of course, the Old Ones laugh at our laws, scientific and otherwise. What havoc is wreaked by those humans trying to harness and control their science to grow as a species? As big science progresses and the very particles and substance of this universe are understood, what stories are being hushed up? Tell us a tale, and make sure it has a beginning, a middle, an end, and a Cthulhu… (Well, incorporate the Cthulhu Mythos, anyway. Big C himself doesn’t need to make an appearance.)
Broken Eye Books wants your transhumanist near-future science fiction tales of the Cthulhu Mythos. These are tales of more than merely cosmic dread. They exist in our world of the next couple years (no more than that!). This is the era of big science, with stories that have full-tilt plots and characters writhing in the throes of—what is that? We’ll be right back. Send us your maddening masterwork of less than 4,000 words.
If you would like to submit a story for one of them, we are having an open reading period for original fiction submissions from March 1, 2015 to April 1, 2015. We are paying six (6) cents per word for up to 4,000 words. Publication requires first rights for the print and digital versions of the anthology. No reprints. You may submit one submission per anthology. Please, no simultaneous submissions. Send your manuscript as an attachment (.doc, .docx, or .rtf only) in standard manuscript format.
Set your story adrift directly into the void, or just send it to submissions@brokeneyebooks.
Via: Broken Eye Books.