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Taking Submissions: The Future of the American Trumpet
August 10, 2017
Deadline: August 10 2017
Payment: 0.01 cent a word and a contributor’s copy
Note: Reprints allowed
A Science Fiction anthology looking at the future well after the current presidents of the USA have moved on. The projected science fiction date is 2030 and can examine American Politics in a new era, or look at world politics changed by the actions of USA policies and people. While war stories can be popular in this collection only 2 will be purchased. Political shenanigans would be interesting, as well as romance, spooks, robots and evil overlords. While the initial inspiration is based after the Presidency of Donald Trump it has been advised not to slander or denigrate him or anyone with anything that is not already well known and shared in open media sources (not rumour or innuendo – facts are okay, mistruths are not)
Deadline – August 10 2017
Word Counts – 4000 to 7500 words
Pay 0.01 cent a word paid on acceptance.
Reprints 1/2 a cent per word. I buy very few reprints. / Return times 6 weeks/
submissions to – [email protected] (subject line – TRUMPETER)
Publication Date. – October/November 2017
The rights purchased are first international right in e-book/reader/pdf/POD/Print. All rights return 6 months after publication, though the anthology will remain in print for an indefinite period.
As well as payment authors also get a copy of the anthology in print form and access to all forms of download systems.
For Advertisers – a complete ad for the opposite page of a short story and which is in keeping with the futuristic style of the collection will need to be set at 5″x 8″ with 5mm bleed all round. To help support this product ads are kept at a low rate of $150 per ad. All payments for ads are made to
Robert N Stephenson, owner, editer, and publisher for Altair-Australia.com
Via: Robert N. Stephenson.
- About the Author
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!