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Taking Submissions: NonBinary Review Issue #5: Robert W. Chambers’ The King in Yellow
April 30, 2015
Deadline: April 30th, 2015
Payment: NonBinary Review pays 1 cent per word for fiction and nonfiction, and a flat fee of $10 per poem
NonBinary Review is a quarterly interactive literary journal that uses the Lithomobilus platform to join many stories around each issue’s theme. We invite authors to explore each theme in any way that speaks to them: re-write a familiar story from a new point of view, mash genres together, give us a personal essay about some aspect of our theme that has haunted you all your life. We also invite art that will accompany the literature and be featured on our cover.
We realize that The King in Yellow is a bit more esoteric than our previous themes, so we’ve compiled a list of resources to help you!
We want language that makes us reach for a dictionary or a tissue or both. Words in combinations and patterns that leave the faint of heart a little dizzy.
NonBinary Review accepts fiction and creative non-fiction of up to 5,000 words in length, although shorter is probably better. Fiction should be double spaced, 12-point type, in Times New Roman or similar font in a Word document or text file. Authors may submit up to 5 pieces of flash fiction, no more than 1000 words each, in this category. Please upload each piece as a separate document on this submission. Flash (fiction or CNF) is the ONLY category where multiple pieces related to the same theme may be selected for publication.
NonBinary Review accepts poetry of up to 3 pages in length. Poetry should be single spaced, 12-point type, in Times New Roman or similar font in a Word document or text file. You may submit up to five files with this submission, but each poem must be submitted as a separate document.
Please be aware that due to the nature of our publishing model (which uses only mobile devices), poetry with long lines may wrap in unintended ways. There is no way, other than inserting hard returns, for us to correct this. If your poetry contains lines longer than the width of the screen of an iPhone (the smallest device we account for) it will wrap.
We prefer high-resolution images in JPEG, PDF, TIFF, GIF or PNG format. Visual art must be related to each issue’s theme and please attach only one file at a time. Each file must be accompanied by the artist’s bio and an artist’s statement, which should be submitted as a Word document or text file, double spaced, 12-point type, in Times New Roman or similar font.
Your 50-word bio should be included in your cover letter. You may submit more than one piece, but each piece must be submitted separately.
NonBinary Review pays 1 cent per word for fiction and nonfiction, and a flat fee of $10 per poem and $25 per piece of visual art, payable upon receipt of the signed publication contract. In return, we ask for North American serial rights and electronic publishing rights. NonBinary Review does not accept previously published work unless specifically solicited by the editors.
If you are interested in your work appearing online, please indicate on your submission that you would like to be considered for our weekly online feature, Alphanumeric. Alphanumeric pays a flat fee of $10 per piece regardless of genre or length, and adheres to the same theme and style conventions as the current reading period for NonBinary Review. Alphanumeric pieces will be published online for the 3 active months per each issue, after which, these pieces will be added to the issue as a free download to the app.
PLEASE NOTE: At present, the Zoetic app is accessible through iPhone and iPad only, with future updates to include Android versions. When submitting your work, please note that if selected for publication, your work will appear in electronic form only. Clicking the required box for submissions indicates author/artist understanding of the terms of publication and agreement to those terms.
Authors and artists should state in their cover letters for which issue their submission is intended. Submissions not related to an upcoming issue’s theme will be deleted unread.