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Taking Submissions: Motherland
August 28, 2020
Deadline: August 28th, 2020
Payment: 6¢ a word
Theme: Must be set in Motherland, a landyke community, details below.
During a panel discussing a number of topics, including queering weird fiction, editor and publisher Steve Berman recalled an article in the New York Times: “Why Doesn’t Anyone Want to Live in This Perfect Place?” The notion of a dying lesbian community instantly seemed an ideal setting for weird fiction. And so Lethe Press is accepting submissions for Motherland.
All stories must be set in Motherland, a landyke community founded on the Delmarva Peninsula in 1968 by Ida Marmer and Robinia Atwell. We are currently working on more details about Motherland that authors can include in their story. Please check back to this listing and page.
Stories can be set during any time period, from the founding of Motherland to the current day. All stories must feature lesbian or bisexual protagonists. We recommend authors read the NY Times article and the book Landykes of the South before writing their submission.
Deadline is August 28, 2020.
Stories should be between 2,000 and 10,000 words.
Payment is 6¢ a word, split between a sum upon acceptance (up to $100) with the remainder upon publication.
Email stories as attachments (MS Doc or RTF files only) to [email protected] with the Subject Line: MOTHERLANDSUBMISSION. Include in the body of your email a brief synopsis of the story and a couple lines about yourself.
Via: Lethe Press.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!