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Taking Submissions: Intimate the Nature of the Phantasms: Queering the Cthulhu Mythos
May 1, 2016
Deadline: May 1st, 2016
Payment: 3 cents per word and 2 copies of the book.
Author and Editor Scott David Aniolowski is currently reading for his latest anthology, Intimate the Nature of the Phantasms: Queering the Cthulhu Mythos, a collection of Cthulhu Mythos tales told from an LGBT point of view, for Lethe Press.
H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos has become a genre unto itself, with tales spanning every conceivable setting: gothic horror, splatterpunk, cyberpunk, steampunk, sci fi, dreamy, Gaslight horror, avant-garde, experimental, erotica, fantasy, sword and sorcery, historic, and anything else imaginable, and more! Similarly, submissions for this anthology are open to any and all settings and genres, but told with a LGBT sense of self. What does that mean? You tell me. It does not mean, necessarily, strictly sex.
If your tale is an erotic tale fine, but don’t feel compelled to include sex just to satisfy the theme; there is so much more to the LGBT community! The one firm rule for submissions is that they must be Cthulhu Mythos stories. Please do not feel obliged to slavishly mimic Lovecraft or use just his creations. There are dozens of other wonderful authors and hundreds of stories from which to choose gods, monsters, blasphemous books and haunted settings: Ramsey Campbell’s work is wonderfully British and full of urban decay and sci fi themes; Clark Ashton Smith’s milieu is very dreamy and exotic; Robert E. Howard is known for his pulpy action and sword and sorcery tales, etc. And there are so many more great authors to inspire, or devise your own dark gods, unspeakable horrors, and sanity-sapping tomes.
Seeking works up to 6,000 words. Tell me the story you need to tell but don’t bloat it out just for word count – if your story is only 2,500 words that’s okay; I’m looking for a nice mix of shorter and longer tales to fill the book. Submissions longer than 6k considered, but please query first.
Deadline: May 1, 2016.
Payment: 3 cents per word and 2 copies of the book.
Submit to: [email protected].
FORMATTING: VERY IMPORTANT. If you do not submit your story
formatted as requested it will be
automatically rejected without being read.
Single spacing between lines, double spacing between paragraphs – NO INDENTING.
NO DOUBLE SPACES after periods.
Leave italicized as italicized; do not underline to show italics.
No page formatting such as header or footers, page numbering, etc.
Put the story title and your name on the first page ONLY.
Three asterisks (***) between scene breaks as needed.
Submit as .doc or .rtf file.
Include name and story title in subject line of submittal email.