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Taking Submissions: FU Review Volume 9, Interrupt
August 16, 2020
Deadline: August 16th, 2020
Payment: €20 and a contributors copy
Theme: A story about an interruption
When the internet cuts off, when the light goes out as you sit down to read, when the heart doesn’t beat, when a heart doesn’t beat for you, when the visa is rejected, when the binary breaks, when you fall in love, when two worlds collide, when — we pause this program for an important announcement — a dog barks (the autoplay ad starts) when the lightning strikes the picnic the stranger asks for directions the rain starts the statue of the slave trader hits the water when the the rain ends when a missile —
Submissions to FU Review Issue 9 are open until August 16.
All published authors will be paid €20 and receive a print copy of Issue 9.
The FU Review publishes prose, poetry, nonfiction, and English-language translations. There is no word-count limit, but please submit no more than 5 poems or 2 prose pieces.
Via: FU Review.
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!