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Taking Submissions: Flash on the Fly Contest – 48 Hour Window!

June 10

Deadline: June 10 at 9:00AM EDT
Prize: $50
Theme: 500-1,000 word aquatic fiction horror story




Submissions are open now, Saturday June 8 at 9:00AM EDT and will close in 48 hours on Monday June 10 at 9:00AM EDT. No submissions will be accepted before or after the open window.


(any subgenres of horror are permitted)

Write a horror flash fiction story, 500-1000 words (FIRM LIMITS) that fits the theme “AQUATIC HORROR”. We are open to any interpretation of the theme.

Please keep reading for full guidelines!

(Please note: “Flash on the Fly” means flash fiction written quickly & without much preparation. It does not mean flash fiction about The Fly.)

  • Stories should be previously unpublished, written in standard manuscript format, and sent as a .docx file attachment.
  • Name your .docx file with your story title and your last name, then attach it to the email.
  • In the subject box, type: YOUR STORY TITLE, YOUR LAST NAME.
  • Send to [email protected]

Stories will be judged on adherence to the theme, quality of storytelling, and originality. Given the speedy nature of this challenge, minimal judging will be based on minor spelling errors and typos.

  • We will aim to select a winner within 4 weeks of the closing deadline and will announce the winner publicly on our website and across social media.
  • Due to the fast turnaround of this contest, only the author of the winning story will receive a response.
  • The author of the winning story will receive $50.00 USD via PayPal (other payment arrangements within reason can be made if necessary)
  • Publisher will receive rights to publish the story on our website. Author will retain all rights to their story. Please review this sample publishing agreement prior to submitting: Flash on the Fly Publishing Agreement.
  • Stories will be judged by LAUREL HIGHTOWER. (Follow Laurel on: TwitterInstagramBluesky)

TIPS from the judge:

Laurel is naturally predisposed to be creeped out by water and all its denizens, so go wild! She suggests writing for what would creep you out personally – not afraid of sharks? Give her something new to make sure she’ll never set foot in the ocean again! And don’t limit yourself to bodies of water – however you want to interpret aquatic is cool with her.

Laurel’s a dyed in the wool horror fan, so weird, gross, smart, funny, violent, gory, sexy, body horror, etc. – as long as it serves the story and fits the theme, go for it. Gratuitous attempts to gross out or shock without having any story to them aren’t forbidden, but they’re low on the list of likes.

Best of luck to all who enter!

Via: Death Knell Press.


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