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Taking Submissions: Dream Forge Magazine November 2021 (Early)
November 30, 2021
Submission Window: November 15th through November 30th, 2021
Payment: $0.06/word. Payment for reprints is $0.03/word, Poems are paid at the rate of $25 to $100
Theme: All SF and Fantasy genres, but horror is unlikely to find a home here. Ideally stories with a message of hope.
Note: Reprints are welcome
Our next submission period is going to be November 15th through November 30th, 2021.
When we are Open for Submissions, you will be directed to the Submissions Portal from this page
Read our announcement about the November Submissions Period – here.
Special Notes
DreamForge Anvil is about a passionate attention to storytelling as much it is about the stories themselves. This year, most stories will be returned without comment.
That will give us time to pick a few “almost there” tales and work with the authors to see if we can collaborate in taking the story over the hurdle to select it for publication.
When we find a story we want to work with, we’ll ask first if the author is interested, before we come back at you with a detailed review and suggestions. If you are interested, and if we accept your story after editorial changes, then we’ll publish your story and include a line edit comparison from your original to final so that those interested in story development can learn from the experience. We’ll also give you the opportunity to talk about your story and share insights into its development and the meaning it has for you.
If you’d like to work on your writing with us, consider joining us in our DreamCasters discussion group, available to our Patreon supporters at Tier Two an above. All proceeds go to pay for stories in future issues of DreamForge Anvil.
Learn more about what we look for in the guidelines below.
This reading period, our sweet spot for stories will be between 2,500 and 3,750 words.
Overall, we will consider the following word counts:
Flash Fiction: 200 – 1500 words
Short Stories: 1,500 – 4,500 words
Poems: up to 900 words
Title of Story (centered)
Your Byline (centered)
No Address or other Personal Info please.(You’ll add that in the form you complete during submission.)
Font: Arial, Size 12
Double spaced
Indented paragraphs
Single space after periods.
No extra line break between paragraphs
Section breaks, as needed, should be three ### symbols, centered on the page.
In the document Header, include Title/Last Name/Page #
File Naming:
When you SAVE your file, name it in the following way: StoryTitle-V01.doc as in “Pangenesis-V01.doc.”
In cases where we ask for edits or a rewrite, the second version would be V02, etc. (Do not include your name this time in the file name.)
During the submission process, you will have the opportunity to write a cover letter, enter the word count, select genre and story type, etc.
We are interested in all SF and Fantasy genres, but horror is unlikely to find a home here.
No to Pollyannish and Utopian simplicity.
Yes to communities and teams working together to overcome dire challenges.
Yes to marginalized and under-represented characters as protagonists.
Yes to science and magic that solve problems, alleviate suffering, and boldly explore new possibilities.
No to corrupt, dystopian governments or evil corporations.
Tone down the violence, profanity, and sex. It’s only useful if the story demands it.
We acquire First World Rights for online/electronic and print publication, exclusive for a period of six (6) months following the first date of publication and nonexclusive thereafter. (For practical purposes, print in 2021 will be limited to Kindle Direct Publishing. Since Kindle would have the ability to print and deliver from any locality, we’re revising our language to say “First World Rights.”)
Payment is $0.06/word.
Payment for reprints is $0.03/word
Poems are paid at the rate of $25 to $100
Payment is on Acceptance
If we offer suggestions on improving your writing or story structure, we want to see evidence that you tried to follow our advice on your next submission.
Simultaneous submissions are OK, if you let us know as soon as your story is accepted elsewhere.
Please allow 6 to 9 weeks for our review and final response. We try to be faster, but we have full-time day jobs and we can get overwhelmed.
We will consider reprints if you can show that publication rights have reverted to you, the author.
If you haven’t heard from us on a story you think may have gotten lost in the shuffle, feel free to query us at [email protected].
Submissions will be through our online Submissions Portal, which is only available during submission periods.
Curious Why Stories Get Rejected?
You know, you are probably a pretty decent writer. There is a very good chance we are going to like your story, even admire parts of what you have accomplished with it. We know that going in, but still, the odds of us choosing your story for publication are pretty slim.
Read our Blog Post: Why We Didn’t Buy Your Story
Via: Dream Forge Magazine.