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Taking Submissions: Dominion: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction from Africa and the African Diaspora
December 31, 2019
Deadline: December 31st, 2019
Payment: original: $0.08USD per word for the first 1,000 words, and $0.01USD above 1,000 words., reprints: $0.01USD per word. $50USD per poem or $15 per reprint poem.
Note: Seeking authors and poets from the African continent and the African Diaspora
Note: Reprints welcome
Dominion: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction from Africa and the African Diaspora seeks speculative fiction that grapples with the question: “What is the legacy and the future of Africa and the African Diaspora?” We want authors and poets from the African continent and the African Diaspora. More specifically, we want horror, science fiction, fantasy, and alternate history in the following sub-genres: Horror Noire, Afrofuturism, Africanfuturism, Sword and Soul, Rococoa, Steamfunk, and Dieselfunk. Submissions are open August 26, 2019, through December 31, 2019.
Format using Shunn’s manuscript style. Track your submissions using Duotrope and The Submission Grinder. Submit via email with the subject line “Dominion Anthology: [TITLE]: [FORMAT]: [LENGTH]” at subs [at] aurelialeo.com. All of the following information should be in one .doc, .docx (preferred) or .rtf document.
A short cover letter is required submitted above the text of your submission in the same document. Please include your legal name, pen name (if relevant), contact information, PayPal email address (if different), recent publications/awards (if any), preferred contributor’s copy (.epup, .mobi for Kindle™ or .pdf), and a third person bio of 50-150 words. A photo may be requested.
We take 2-3 weeks to respond to submissions. If you haven’t received a response by then, please query. If you have any questions, email info [at] aurelialeo.com.
POETRY: Any length paid $50USD per poem.
REPRINTS: Any length of poetry paid $15USD and 1,000-17,500 words of fiction paid $0.01USD per word.
FICTION: 1,000-17,500 words paid $0.08USD per word for the first 1,000 words, and $0.01USD above 1,000 words.
Translations are accepted
Simultaneous submissions to other markets are accepted
Only four submissions allowed in total (one original poem, one original story, one reprinted poem, and one reprinted story)
Copyright remains with the author and poet at all times
Non-exclusive archival rights as long as the website(s) hosting the work are online
First world electronic and print rights in English with exclusivity for 12 months from the date of publication
If selected to be republished in another anthology in the future, payment in royalties is $0.01USD per word
If selected for a podcast or audiobook, payment is $0.01USD per word for non-exclusive electronic audio rights
Excerpts out of a novel
Poorly formatted and edited work
Overtly racist, sexist, or violent work
Fanfiction of any kind
Works above the word count
Taboo elements (rape in all forms, incest, pedophilia, etc.) in almost all cases
Settings outside of the United States of America, or the United States of America as we know it
Protagonists that are African(s), African Descendants of Slaves (ADOS) or members of the African Diaspora
Intersectionality in regards to gender, class, ability status, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, and so on
Via: Aurelia Leo.