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Taking Submissions: Curious Incidents: More Improbable Adventures
October 14, 2016
Deadline: October 14, 2016
Payment: Royalty split and 1 contributor’s copy
Mocha Memoirs Press is pleased to announce that they will be publishing another Sherlock Holmes anthology with editor A.C. Thompson! So sharpen those pencils and get ready to write.
“The game is afoot!”
Welcome back to Baker Street! Holmes and Watson are there to greet you once more with amazing tales of murder, mayhem, and mystery with a supernatural twist. This time the great detective and his stalwart companion will venture into alternate universes, histories, and futures to solve puzzling cases of the paranormal beyond the bounds of imagination.
In Curious Incidents: More Improbable Adventures, I am looking for stories that diverge from the original canon setting of Victorian England. The adventures should be paranormal in nature, but the universe is completely open. In fact, stories set in the traditional Victorian will not be considered. Some examples of alternate settings might be: steampunk, weird west, distant future, space, ancient world (ok, so I’d just really like to see if someone could do it…), dystopian, American noir, or even modern times (BE CAREFUL WITH THIS. I CAN’T PUBLISH SHERLOCK BBC FANFICTION!).
Word of warning: Sherlock is a beloved character with a very distinct voice and manner. We want to be sure that we keep and/ or expand on those attributes that have made him a literary icon. However, I am very interested in seeing diverse characters in starring roles (gender, ethnicity, etc.). The entire original canon is available on Kindle for FREE. Take advantage.
This time, I’m a little more flexible with genre. I am looking for stories that will fall into the speculative fiction genre and all its subspecies (horror, sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk, magical realism, gothic horror, etc.). I’m even being adventurous this time and allowing for a romantic element as long as you stay true to the character, but NO EROTICA (it’s not that kind of book). The important thing is— it has to have a paranormal thread. These are CURIOUS INCIDENTS, not everyday occurrences.
Let your imaginations run wild and give me something I haven’t seen before!
Publication of CURIOUS INCIDENTS: MORE IMPROBABLE ADVENTURES will again be handled through Mocha Memoirs Press and therefore, all submissions are subject to their general guidelines which include, but are not limited to: no glorified rape, necrophilia, hate language, etc. We are not seeking erotic stories for this anthology.
Minimum word count: 4,000 not to exceed 8,000
Payment: split royalties + 1 contributor copy.
General Mocha Memoirs Press Submission Guidelines:
- Submit your work to [email protected] with “CURIOUS INCIDENTS” Sub: [Your Story Title]; [Your Name] in the subject line. Attach your story as a DOC or DOCX file. Submissions sent in the body of the email will not be read. Stories should be in 12pt, Times New Roman font. Please double space. Don’t forget to include a title page that includes all contact information.
- Include a brief cover letter in the body of your email stating your name, pen name (if using one), story title with word count, a brief (1 paragraph) synopsis, and bio.
- No simultaneous submissions, please. We ask that you do not submit a story to us and to another market at the same time.
- Multiple submissions—sending more than one story for consideration—are okay. If sending more than one story, please send them in separate emails.
Via: Mocha Memoirs Press.