- This event has passed.
Taking Submissions: CircleShow Volume 20: Summer/Fall 2019
September 1, 2019
Deadline: September 1st, 2019
Payment: Contributor’s Copy
CircleShow is currently interested in publishing the work of both known and unknown authors. Issues of CircleShow are posted online in free-to-read PDF format. Issues are also made available for purchase on-demand as trade paperbacks. Please note that while we do not offer monetary payment for accepted work, all contributors do receive a complimentary copy of the printed issue in which their work appears.
We accept a select amount of poetry, short literary fiction and nonfiction pieces for each issue.
To submit fiction attach a document (.doc, .docx or .pdf format) containing 1-30 pages of a completed work. Pages should be single spaced in 12pt Times New Roman font or similar. Include your name and email at the top of the first page. Include page numbers but no headers or footers. Title both your submission and the file name as “Fiction Submission-Your Name.”
We are open to many forms of fiction but do note that pieces intended for youth, dime store romance writing and erotica are hard sells for us.
Thank you for choosing to send us your work here at SCP. We appreciate the opportunity and look forward to reading it. Click on the desired category below for specific submission guidelines. Please note that while you may submit to multiple categories at once, we do ask that you wait for a response before sending us more work in any one category. Response time is typically three months or less. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, provided you notify us immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.
If you have question or concerns, feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected].
By submitting to SCP you are agreeing to our Online Copyright Policy.
Please Note: Submissions for CircleShow Volume 20: Summer/Fall 2019 will close on September 1st.
Via: Seven Circle Press.