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Taking Submissions: From A Cat’s Point Of View
March 1, 2018
Deadline: March 1st, 2018
Payment: $25.00
- You must be eighteen or older.
- Stories must be the previously unpublished, original work of the submitting author.
- Your story must be written in English, double-spaced in 12pt. Times New Roman font, and submitted by email as a .doc or .docx file attachment, or copied directly into the body of the email to [email protected].
- Your story must be complete, edited, and publication-ready, between 3,000 and 10,000 words.
- Your story must be written (fully or partially) from a cat’s point of view. The cat (or cats) does not need to be a principal character, but its character should impact the plot in some manner.
- All genres and time periods will be considered excluding erotica, but including mainstream literature, romance, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, steampunk (or any “punk” sub-genre), humor, paranormal, or horror. Achieving a variety of genre will be a component in selection.
- Most adult language is acceptable, but indiscriminate or extreme usage may affect selection.
- Multiple stories by the same author will be considered but each story must be submitted separately and will be treated contractually as a separate submission.
- Simultaneous submissions are okay; but, please notify us immediately if your story has been picked up by another publisher. (This is a generous provision, and failure to advise us that your story is no longer available can jeopardize your future standing as a contributing author.)
- You will be notified of your submission status within thirty days of receipt. If your story is selected, emailed notification will include an attached Publishing Agreement for your review and signature.
The following summarizes the major terms in the agreement, but the summary is not part of the agreement nor intended to replace the necessity to read the agreement in its entirety prior to signing.
Publication: The story will be included in an anthology book (to be named) and published in ebook format (and print formats at the discretion of the Publisher) to Amazon (Kindle), and may be published to other online retailers, such as Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple iBook, and Kobo, at the discretion of the Publisher.
Payment: All payments will be made to contributing author by check or Paypal (preferred method) within thirty days of the ebook publication date (or sooner at Publisher’s discretion). Payment shall be in the amount of $25.00 for each submission selected by Publisher.
IMPORTANT: For published pieces, Post-To-Print takes Electronic Publishing Rights and First Print. Note that most publications will not publish pieces that have been published in print, eBook, or on the web. Once your work is published by us it can only be marketed as a reprint, which severely limits the number of markets that will accept it, and drastically reduces the pay rate it can receive. It is up to you, the author, to decide if publishing your work in print and/or eBook formats and/or on the web, giving up your First Publishing Right for a token payment, is advisable.
Other consideration: If the anthology is offered for sale in paperback format (excluding reprints and box-sets), each contributing author will receive one paperback copy at no charge.
Contributing Author Warranties: The contributing author must warrant that s/he owns the copyright for each individual story submitted, and that the submission(s) is the original work and creation of the contributing author and only the contributing author.
Copyright: The Anthology will be copyrighted separate from each individual story, and individual copyright notices for each story will be printed on the appropriate front page of the publication(s) (or other location depending on the publication format).
Author Credit: In addition to the customary copyright notice, each contributing author’s story title, and byline will be listed within the pages of the anthology book in the order of the story’s appearance, and on other pages as appropriate and customary. The presentation order of individual stories will be determined at the discretion of the Publisher.
Author page(s), not to exceed five hundred words, will be allocated at the end of the anthology for each contributing author’s biographical information, referral to his/her website, blog or similar online site and social media accounts, and the promotion of other published works by the contributing author, if any. No advertising or promotion unrelated to the author’s internet presence or published, or soon to be published, works will be allowed.
IMPORTANT: This anthology may contain a story (or stories) written by Post-To-Print’s staff; however, staff submissions will never constitute a majority of stories selected and will be considered as a means to fill the publication if the desired number of stories is nearly met at submission deadline. Our approximate goal for publication is 80,000 words.
Cost of Publication: The Publisher will absorb all costs of production and publication, if any, i.e., costs associated with editing, cover art, and formatting. The Publisher has final say in selecting and approving cover art and cover design.
Personal Information: Each contributing author is required to provide the following personal information to the Publisher upon signing the Publishing Agreement:
- Full legal name and all pen names
- Physical address, including zip code
- Cell and/or home telephone number(s) (and the best times to reach you)
- A list of all URLs/addresses to your personal website(s) and/or blog(s), and social media accounts, including Amazon author pages, Facebook, Flicker, Goodreads, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Meetup, Pinterest, and Twitter—whatever applies.
Please feel free to email me directly if you have questions that aren’t answered above. I’m looking forward to receiving your submission.
Robin Praytor, Managing Editor
Post-To-Print Publishers, LLC
[email protected]
Via: Post To Printer.