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Taking Submissions: American Psychos: A Serial Killer Anthology
October 1, 2018
Deadline: October 1st, 2018.
Payment: $100
Red Room Press is seeking stories for a new dark crime/thriller/horror anthology, American Psychos: A Serial Killer Anthology. Inspired by the most disturbingly violent and graphic crime thriller novels of our time, including Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho, Shane Steven’s By Reason of Insanity, Michael Slade’s Headhunter, our goal is to make American Psychos a brutal, suspenseful, nightmare-inducing hard ride into hell.
Stories must be about a serial killer, obviously. The story can either be based on a real serial killer or a fictional serial killer. Stories should primarily be set in the USA, but the character may travel abroad. We want stories that are brutal, graphic, disturbing and violent. The above referenced books will give you a good idea of what we are looking for. Serial killers must be human; no supernatural elements, monsters, or vampires. They can have supernatural beliefs, however, and they can be any gender or race.
Editors: Randy Chandler and Cheryl Mullenax.
Deadline: October 1, 2018.
Publication Date: Early 2019
Length: 3500-5500 words. (Word count is somewhat flexible)
Payment for original stories: $100.
Note: If we meet our crowdfunding campaign goal, accepted authors will receive an additional $50 bonus. See sidebar for details.
No unsolicited reprints or multiple submissions.
What to Send
In the body of an email:
- Author name
- Story title
- Word Count
- A brief bio
- A short description of the story.
- Attachment of entire manuscript in rtf, doc, or docx format only. Standard formatting.
We’ll send a notification within 48 hours that we received your submission. If you don’t get this, please inquire. We may not have received it.
EMAIL TO: [email protected]
Via: Red Room Press.
- About the Author
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Stuart Conover is a father, husband, published author, blogger, geek, entrepreneur, horror fanatic, and runs a few websites including Horror Tree!