Epeolatry Book Review: The Lord’s Prayer: A Series of Horror by Dawn DeBraal


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Title: The Lord’s Prayer: a Series of Horror
Author: Dawn DeBraal
Genre: Horror Collection
Publisher: Zombie Works Publications
Publication Date: 15th July, 2024
Synopsis: Encased inside are fourteen short stories, all inspired by verses from the Lord’s Prayer.
In every anecdote, the main character is tested in some way. How they come out in the end is dependent on their moral make-up. Some of them will fail because flesh is weak, some will come out very changed because of the difficulty they faced, or avoided, and some won’t make it out alive, giving in to sin and despair.
The Lord’s Prayer is readdressed through the eyes of children, the elderly, those who want to make something of themselves, the rich, poor, arrogant, liars, cheaters, drug dealers, greed mongers and snake charmers.
Not every facet of humanity is beautiful, but we were given a prayer to pray to help us through the hard times. If you truly believe, there is hope
